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Water Pollution Management

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Presentation on theme: "Water Pollution Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Pollution Management

2 Agriculture Inorganic fertiliser and pesticides.
Sedimentation from cleared lands Eutrophication

3 Sewage Human waste Soaps and detergents Cholera

4 Sediment Soil erosion from deforestation
Clogs up dams, waterways and pipes.

5 Organic Compounds Oil from spills PCBs in waste DDT in pesticides

6 Inorganic waste open pit mines leach heavy metals
Tailings pond leaching or burst

7 Factories Thermal waste water affect DO Dyes and inorganic compounds

8 Agriculture 1. Use organic fertilisers 2. Tax fertiliser use
2. Plant hedgerows or maintain cover crops. 3. Aerate water body

9 Sewage 2. Build improved infrastructure
2. Use sewage for biogas or irrigation 2. UV water treatment facilities 3. Dredge water bed

10 Sediment 1. Teach rural communities about improved farming practices
2. Agroforestry practices 2. Laws against plantations 2. Afforestation

11 Organic compounds 1. Promote electric vehicles
1. Awareness campaigns about oil spills 2. Train employees how to deal with crisis situations 3. Dispersants 3. Boom recovery

12 Inorganic Waste 1. Promote the use of recycled materials
2. Tailing pond and mining regulation and monitoring. 3. Caustic soda and lime to balance pH 3. Dredging

13 Factories 1. Enact environmental protection laws
2. Regulation and monitoring with harsh penalties. 3. Bioremediation 3. Mud pumping

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