Invertebrates Ch 25-28 Preview.

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1 Invertebrates Ch Preview

2 ___________________ of Animals
Kingdom Animalia Multicellular Heterotrophic Eukaryotic No cell wall Cell specialization

3 Characteristics of Animals
Vertebrate Has an internal ______________ Invertebrate Does not have an internal backbone

4 Essential Functions Feeding: eating Respiration: _______________
Circulation: ___________ of gases, nutrients, waste Excretion: removal of N-waste (____________) Response: respond to stimuli (____________) Movement: location changes Reproduction: asexual or sexual

5 Feeding Herbivore: eat _____________ Carnivore: eat other animals
Omnivore: eat plants and animals Parasites: feed on other ___________ organisms Filter feeders: strain _______________ from water Detrivore: eat _______________ plant and animals

6 Movement ______________: do not move Motile: can move
_________: could move at one point, and now does not or very little

7 Body Symmetry Asymmetry: not symmetrical Radial symmetry:
_____________of imaginary planes drawn through the center of the body produces equal halves Bilateral symmetry: _______imaginary plane divides the body into left and right sides

8 Body Cavity Acoelomate: no body cavity
Pseudocoelomate: “__________” body cavity; only partially lined True coelomate: “___” body cavity; completed lined

9 Cephalization Concentration of sensory organs near the ________ end of an organism

10 Phyla of Invertebrates
Phylum Porifera: the _____________ Asymmetrical No tissues or organs (some specialized ________) Sedentary: sessile as adults, motile as ____________ Filter feeders Respiration, circulation, and excretion: by _____________ Asexual repro: budding or gemmules Sexual repro: sperm released into water; _____________ fertilization

11 Phylum Porifera No nervous system: defensive toxins, poison/bad taste
Live in oceans (most) or freshwater Ecology: Provide _____________ Form mutualistic relationships with algae Used in ________ and pharmaceuticals (antiviral/anticancer)

12 Phylum Cnidaria Hydra, Corals, ______________ Acoelomate
__________symmetry Soft bodied with _______________ Carnivorous: cnidocytes (________________) Hydrostatic skeleton Has sessile (polyp) and motile (medusa) Respiration, circulation, and excretion by _____________

13 Phylum Cnidaria Asexual repro: budding
Sexual repro: release sperm and eggs; _______ fertilization Nervous: ______________; statocysts; ocelli Most live in oceans, some in freshwater Ecology: Symbiotic relationships: anemone; algae ______________________

14 Phylum Platyhelminthes
_________worms Acoelomate ______________symmetry Cephalized Movement: mucous, cilia, and muscle cells Feeding: parasitic, carnivore, or scavenger Respiration, circulation, and excretion by _______

15 Phylum Platyhelminthes
Asexual repro: __________ Sexual repro: hermaphrodites; do ____ self-fert. Nervous: _________, eyespots, auricles, Free-living: marine or freshwater Parasitic: within host; cause malnutrition Examples: Turbellaria – free-living Trematoda – blood flukes Cestoda - _________________

16 Phylum Nematoda _________worms
Pseudocoelomate, __________, bilateral symmetry Hydrostatic skeleton: muscles and fluid create flailing motion Digestion: first to have ___-opening system Free living: grasp algae Parasitic: diffusion Respiration, circulation, excretion: __________

17 Phylum Nematoda Reproduction: sexual- separate sexes
Nervous: simple ganglia Live in top 2 in of ____ or w/in host Ecology: Cause human ____________ Ascaris, Trichenella, Filarial worms, Hookworms

18 Phylum Annelida _______________ worms
True coelom, bilateral symmetry, cephalized ____________: body divided into numerous, repeated parts, or segments, separated by septa Hydrostatic skeleton ___________: bristles to aid in movement Two-opening digestive tract (some parasitic) Respiration: Terrestrial: through skin Marine: feather-like gills

19 Phylum Annelida Circulation: closed system; ___________to pump blood
Excretion: ________________ remove N-waste Reproduction: Sexual- external Hermaphroditic- internal using _______ (thickened band of segments) Nervous: cephalized with brain and several nerve cords Free living, terrestrial or marine Parasitic: leeches

20 Phylum Annelida Examples: earthworms, leeches, sandworms, bloodworms
Ecology: Food source Condition soils Leeches used in ___________

21 Phylum Molluska True coelom, bilateral symmetry, cephalized
Soft bodied with foot, ________ of calcium carbonate Movement: Muscular foot Siphon Feeding: All forms _______: scraping tongue

22 Phylum Molluska Respiration: terrestrial – air diffuses; aquatic – gills Circulation: open system of sinuses; closed system of vessels Excretion: nephridia remove N-waste Reproduction: sexually Hermaphrodites – internal Separate sexes – external Nervous: Smaller – ganglia Larger – highly developed ___________

23 Phylum Molluska Live in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater environments Examples: snails, slugs, nudibranches, clams, mussels, octopus, squid, cuttlefish, nautilus Ecology: Positives - food source, filter algae, symbiosis with algae, monitor ________________ Negatives – harm crops, damage boats, zebra mussel (____________)

24 Phylum Arthropoda True coelom, bilateral symmetry, cephalized
____________appendages, segmented body Exoskeleton (chitin or calcium carbonate) Movement: complex __________ system Molting Feeding: all represented Specialized appendages and mouth parts Respiration: Aquatic – gills, book gills Terrestrial – book lungs, tracheal tubes

25 Phylum Arthropoda Circulation: open with sinuses Excretion:
Terrestrial – Malpigian tubules (extract and add waste to feces) Aquatic – gills (diffuse) Reproduction: Sexually, separate sexes, internal or external ________________________ – changes in life stages Nervous: brain and nerve cords, sophisticated sense organs

26 Phylum Arthropoda Examples: crustaceans, insects, spiders, centipedes, millipedes Ecology: Positive – food source, decomposers, _____________ Negative – pests, destroy crops, _______ to carry disease

27 Phylum Echinodermata ________ skin with a top/bottom
___ part radial symmetry in adults, bilateral in larvae Internal skeleton: endoskeleton or calcium carbonate plates (____________) Water vascular system: Used for respiration, movement, circulation, and excretion Feeding: herbivores, detritivores, and carnivores

28 Phylum Echinodermata Reproduction: separate sexes
External fertilization in water ___________________ body parts Nervous: not well developed; nerve ring and radial nerves, scattered sensory cells Live in marine environments Ecology: control populations, some can be major threat to coral reefs (Crown of Thorns)

29 Phylum Echinodermata Examples: Sea urchins and sand dollars
Brittle stars Sea cucumbers Sea stars Sea lilies and feather stars

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