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The repeated use of a single symbol or series of symbols to mark territory

2 OUTLINE OF CONCEPT For my final major project, I am creating two pieces of work based on the topic of tagging in Exeter. One of these pieces of work will be a magazine feature and the other will be a radio segment. I chose to focus on tagging because I feel that it can be quite a controversial topic with many different opinions based upon it. Personally I am very interested in street art and graffiti, so exploring the increasingly-popular term of ‘tagging’ taught me more about what street art has become. This follows onto the dividing question of whether tagging is art or vandalism, which I have also been researching.

I am planning to create a 3 minute radio segment for BBC Radio 1. I think that creating a segment any longer than this would be quite unrealistic. To ensure that I achieve this run time, I am going to write a script and create a broadcast wheel which will help me schedule my segment and give it structure. COPY LENGTH I am aiming to write around 750 words for my magazine feature as this is achievable and realistic for a magazine piece. I am also planning to write a short online feature for the Exetera website, where I will condense my original copy length to around 300 words. IMAGERY For my magazine feature, I will be including some imagery to enhance my piece and create a more visual approach. I will use my own photography for this and I will include photos based on my topic. Here are some test shots which I may use, or use as guidance to taking my final photos.

BBC RADIO 1 Males aged 25-39 Social Grade – ABC1 Top Region – East Anglia Mainly Right Wing Professions – Sports Industry Monthly Spare – Less than £125 EXETER Females aged 25-39 Social Grade ABC1 Top Region – West Country Slightly more right wing than left Professions – Travel and Hospitality Monthly Spare - £1000 or more (Exetera Magazine is aimed at Exeter University Students)

5 INSPIRATION The inspiration for my idea came from the admiration I have for a street photographer – Martha Cooper. This may not seem relevant to my topic, but Martha Cooper’s photos are based on the hip-hop culture and almost always include evidence of graffiti and tagging. This made me think about how many people would say that graffiti/tagging is vandalism rather than art. I wanted to choose a topic which wasn’t cliché, overused and always spoken about. I wanted to choose something which I was interested in myself, and use this to create awareness and let other people discover the art of tagging. I think that tagging is a subject that many people don’t recognise or pay attention to, so creating a radio segment and magazine feature would reach out to those who don’t, and start making them notice their surroundings more.

6 KEY CONCLUSIONS Tagging originates from the art of graffiti and is used to mark territory or to symbolise a person/group Tagging and graffiti in general has a vast connection with the hip-hop culture 60% of people questioned approve of graffiti in Exeter 30% of those questioned know somebody who tags in Exeter 57% of people in Exeter think that tagging should be legal Exetera Magazine is aimed at Exeter University students (ages – my target audience) BBC Radio 1 has a similar audience, therefore I am going to create a radio segment for this station My target audience are found to be more inclined to read something if it is online, meaning I will also write a shorter version of my printed feature to go onto the Exetera website I will record interviews, use scripts and credit any source of publication to avoid legal issues such as copyright and defamation

7 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE I do not feel that I currently need to change my production schedule as I am already on track with each day, and I am happy with keeping it how it is unless I have any major obstacles which mean I will have to change something.


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