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The Digestive System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System

2 Best to do the squeezing over a sink
Materials Required Food – bread, banana, sweet corn, coco pops (anything chocolaty will give a good pooh colour, and we all know sweet corn will make it to the end!) Plastic cups – mouths Forks – Teeth Beakers of water – labelled saliva Large sandwich bags – stomach Beaker of vinegar + colouring – labelled stomach acid Leg of a tight (both ends cut off) – intestines Cut off bottle with lid on – rectum and anus Best to do the squeezing over a sink

3 These videos will show you how to do the practical…
I usually let the learners do it in groups, on a smaller scale, rather than demo it.

4 Stage 1 Put some food in your plastic cup (mouth)
Chew your food with your fork (teeth) Add some water (saliva)

5 The Oesophagus How does the food get from the mouth to the stomach?

6 The Stomach What happens in the stomach?
How does the stomach help digestion?

7 Stage 2 Put the food from the plastic cup (mouth) into your stomach (plastic bags) Add some vinegar (stomach juices) Churn your food

8 The Small Intestine Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas
What is the function of the small intestine? How is the small intestine adapted to its job?

9 The Villi Where is each product of digestion absorbed? Thin epithelium
Blood Capillaries Lacteal

10 The Large Intestine What is the function of the large intestine?

11 Rectum and Anus What is the function of the rectum and anus?

12 Stage 3 Stage 4 Pass your food along the tight (intestines)
Use peristalsis to help absorb the nutrients and water Pass your solid waste into the end of the bottle (rectum) Expel your waste through the bottle top (anus) You might have to squeeze!!! Stage 4

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