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Knowledge Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Connections
Vocabulary  Encomienda System Viceroy Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture

2 How did Spain, France, and England treat Native Americans differently?
Essential Question How did Spain, France, and England treat Native Americans differently?

3 How were the three colony types used?
France mostly relied on trading post empires Spain and England set up a mixture of plantation and settler colonies

4 SPAIN How did Spain run its colonies?
The Spanish kept a close watch on its colonies SPAIN Nobles and conquistadors were given land for farms, mines, or towns

5 Eventually, the Spanish would look to a new labor source - Africans
How did the Spanish treat the natives? SPAIN Landowners used the labor of the Native Americans who lived on the land Harsh treatment and European diseases, like smallpox and measles, claimed the lives of many workers Eventually, the Spanish would look to a new labor source - Africans

6 FRANCE How did France run its colonies? Ruled its lands more loosely
The French got along with Native Americans better than other Europeans FRANCE The French lived among the Natives … they respected each others language and way of life However, in their Caribbean colonies, the French did use enslaved African workers to grow cash crops like sugar and tobacco

7 ENGLAND How did the English run their colonies?
Set up a variety of colonies Some for profit Some for religious freedom ENGLAND Northern colonies – family farms Southern colonies – plantation farms Throughout English America, settlers pushed Native Americans off their land

8 How did Spain, France, and England treat Native Americans differently?
Essential Question How did Spain, France, and England treat Native Americans differently?


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