Gymnastics Safety!! By: Gabriela Pozzi 8F.

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Presentation on theme: "Gymnastics Safety!! By: Gabriela Pozzi 8F."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gymnastics Safety!! By: Gabriela Pozzi 8F

2 #1-All about gymnastics!!
Gymnastics was created by Johann Friedrich GutsMuths and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. They started creating small exercises for boys and young men which led to now the modern name called gymnastics. Gymnastics is an exercise developing or displaying coordination. It involves uneven bars, balance beam, floor, and vaulting horse (only for women), horizontal, parallel bars, rings, floor, and pommel horse (for men only).

3 #2-Strength and safety!! For anything you do in gymnastics, whether it’s uneven bars or floor, you need to have incredible strength. Without strength, you will not perform correctly. Straight arm work basically means moving your body without bending any joints. Four strength exercises are hollow body hold, arch body hold, bent-arm chin hang, and standing pike stretch. All of these exercises will help you so nothing goes wrong when performing. Hollow Body Hold Bent-Arm Chin Hang Stand Pike Stretch Arch Body Hold

4 #3-Gymnastics Injuries!!
Gymnastics presents a very real risk of injury. Many gymnasts have been injured by falling off of equipment or colliding, but a lot of terrible injuries occur during floor routines. Most injuries are minor, but sprained ankles, wrist sprains, and foot injuries are usually the common ones. Concussions, ligament tears, and broken bones may also occur. Gymnasts sometimes put pressure on themselves to stay thin, so a diet or poor nutrition can make you weak or lack in training so you would be more likely to get injured.

5 #4-How males stay safe!! Wrist straps, guards, and grips are used for male gymnasts. They are used for still rings, high bar, and parallel bars. These are meant to improve a gymnast hold and reduce friction on their skin so they prevent blisters. Most grips consists a piece of leather attached to the wrist strap. Some other options are wrapping your hands in gauze or sports tape.

6 #5-How females stay safe!!
The female gymnasts stay safe similar to males, but some of the things they wear on the hands are for different equipment. Grips, wrist straps and guards are only meant for the women's uneven bars. Young children or beginners should only use grips, gauze, or tape for their hands. Usually, the pros could go bare handed to strengthen their hands, but it is a painful process that can last for months.

7 #6-Footwear for all!! What you wear, or sometimes don’t wear, depends on the type of event, experience, and performing surface. If you wear shoes during the vault, you would be recommended to wear the shoes with a reinforced toe. That would help you absorb the pressure of the landing. Some balance beam competitors prefer to wear shoes with rubber soles so it would help prevent slipping. For floor routines, most gymnasts don’t usually like to wear anything on their feet.

8 #7-Spotting belts!! Spotting belts will help you when learning a new trick or trying to perfect one. It is very useful when attempting difficult maneuvers. Usually, these belts are hooked into cables that are attached to the ceiling. This allows a coach to assist the gymnast when doing multiple flips in a row. They are often used over trampolines.

9 #8-Maintaining a Safe facility!!
When practicing or performing at a new place, get into the habit of checking to make sure all the equipment you are working with is good for use. Setup is important too. Make sure that all equipment is very well spaced apart so that gymnasts won’t collide into other gymnasts, spectators, or equipment. Floors should be well padded to help with landings and mats should be placed under all equipment at all times.

10 #9-Know your skill level!!
When you are learning a new event, ALWAYS make sure to start with a simple move first to see where you are at. One of the easiest ways to get hurt, is by pushing yourself too far and trying a new move that is not in your level. Never attempt a new move that you have never tried before or done in a competition without practice. Always check with your coach to see what level you are at.

11 #10- When competing or Practicing...
And finally, when competing or practicing a new routine or trick that can be dangerous, have your coach spot you or be ready to catch in event of falling. This will greatly reduce your chances of getting hurt and will benefit you when practicing. If you are doing a trick you are not comfortable with, let your coach know so they will help you or possibly change the trick to something easier for you. In all, gymnastics is supposed to fun and not uncomfortable:)

12 Gymnastics fails!! Time: 0:00-1:21

13 Gabby Douglas 2012 Gymnastics!! Time: 0:00-1:48

14 The End!!

15 Bibliography!!
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16 Step 1!!! Section 1: Organization
/ title of project, your name on slide 1 ​/ "shared" with / this checklist copy/pasted into slide 2 and 3, self evaluation completed / relevant video 1 from YouTube "inserted" properly (not just the link) on slide 4, explanation of why it was chosen, start and end time written / relevant video 2 from YouTube "inserted" properly slide 5, explanation of why it was chosen, start and end time written

17 Step 2!!! Section 2: Research /10 10 pages of "information"
-keep it to the point, summarized in your own words -title each item / need 20 relevant images total (0.5 points each) -good quality images, need to connect with your slide

18 Step 3 and 4!!! bonus: Section 3 Song
/ "summary song" lyrics, where you go over the major points of your research (recommend using a song you already know and just change the words slide (you can just write the song, show the original lyrics, and how you've changed them, or just your own original lyrics) Section 4: Presentation / bonus: song performance, speed, sound quality, volume, skill, getting the words right (can share a video of you doing it if you don't want to perform in front of the class) / verbal presentation quality (confidence, volume, knowledgeable)

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