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Faculty of Arts Introduction to selected topics in Environmental Scan.

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1 Faculty of Arts Introduction to selected topics in Environmental Scan

2 Higher Education Trends – Millennials & Generation Z
Two generations comprise the majority of new post-secondary students: millennials and Generation Z. See EAB infographic: Who are the Millennials? Generation Z learners are concerned about education and employment, but are skeptical about the cost and value of higher education. Born with technology between mid-1990s and roughly 2012 have just started coming to college or university Loyal, compassionate, and open-minded; Crave predictability & order Determined, innovative, entrepreneurial Concerned about education , employment but skeptical about cost and value of higher ed In contrast to Millennials, Generation Z is not as motivated by money on the job. Society for College and University Planning. (2016). Are you prepared for tomorrow's students? Trends for Higher Education.

3 Higher Education Trends – Online Learning
US online education market size and 2020 projections According to a study by Eduventures Insights, Innovation in educational technology is expected to increase market share; 20% of US students are expected to be learning online by 2020 Decreased enrolment in Education and Teaching programs; increases in Computers & IT over the last 2 years Open Educational Resources MOOCs

4 Non-Traditional Students – the new norm?
Independent for financial aid purposes Having one or more dependents Being a single caregiver Not having a traditional high school diploma Delaying postsecondary enrolment Attending school part time Being employed full time

5 Labour Market 934,000 BC job openings 2015-2025
36% of the jobs will require a university credential and/or significant work experience and 42% will require a diploma, certificate or apprenticeship Canadian employment rates improving Increased need for trades “NEETs” – non-educated, non-working youth: 13% of Canadians age are neither employed nor in education or training

6 Immediate High School Transition
82% of SD 73 graduates who immediately transitioned to PSE chose TRU SD 73 Gr. 12 graduates will decline until 2018 Immediate transition is declining slightly each year – more students choose to take a year or more off before attending post secondary Traditional sources of TRU students are ‘drying up’; will not recover in the foreseeable future

7 Life-long Learners – ‘Experience Gap’
Employers need experience + education. A credential is not enough About 63% of BC residents currently hold a PSE credential, but labour market need will be 78% in 2020. Experienced, educated employees are needed to replace retiring supervisors and managers. Recruiting life-long leaners will help to augment the projected shortage of traditionally-aged (18-24) high school graduates upon which TRU has traditionally relied.

8 Flexible Options Education Employment Higher demand
Low-investment (time), high-return options for working adults who are looking to move into upcoming vacancies Education Higher demand Retiring managers & supervisors Credentials needed Employment More jobs Better economy Experience needed Local adult population has lower educational attainment than BC overall 10% of Kamloops, 15% of all of BC had a university certificate or degree

9 Aboriginal Population & TRU Students
Growing population (higher birth rates = more high school graduates) In 2011, only 48% of adults (aged 25 to 64) who identified as Aboriginal had a postsecondary qualification, compared to 65% of the non-Aboriginal population Ethnic migration – particularly for people who are identifying as Métis

10 Headcount by Student Type – Faculty of Arts

11 Population Trends Increases Decreases Mature learners
Aboriginal birth rates Retirees New residents (intra-provincial and interprovincial) Transitions to public post-secondary education in BC High school graduates Overall birth rates Need to diversify – immediate high school transitions 1/3 of all new students in Fall 2015

12 Physical Capacity – TRU has Space
TRU has 1.60 net assignable square meters (NASM) per FTE student of classroom space; proposed standard is NASM per FTE student (Educational Consulting Services Corp., 2015, p. 10 Section 2). TRU’s average utilization rate of Kamloops classrooms in Winter 2015 was 59%, and about 67% for Fall This is below the 75% utilization benchmark considered to be the threshold of utilization beyond which an institution should consider adding classrooms to its inventory (Educational Consulting Services Corp., 2015, p. 3 Section 3).

13 STEEP – Liberal Arts & Humanities

14 Opportunities & Threats
Growth of Communications discipline Rejuvenate Liberal Arts programs: Incorporate technical skills in Liberal Arts programs Offer global skills for Liberal Arts students Requirements for digital literacy Desirability of T-shaped professionals Will Humanities programs appeal to students in the future? Job challenges for Humanities graduates Salary challenges for Humanities graduates Skills for jobs of the future Long-term job prospects Investment from the Canadian government Society needs liberal arts to navigate social and technological development Canada’s employers value soft skills AND technical knowledge

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