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Chapter 3- The First Two Years Body and Brain

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3- The First Two Years Body and Brain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3- The First Two Years Body and Brain

2 Body Bodily Changes Brain changes Sleep Motor skills

3 Moving and Perceiving Motor Skills
The first movements are not skills but reflexes, involuntary responses to a particular stimulus.

4 Moving and Perceiving Some reflexes help insure survival
Other reflexes are signs of normal functioning: Babinski reflex. Stepping reflex. Swimming reflex. Palmar grasping reflex. Moro reflex.

5 Moving and Perceiving The sense of hearing develops during the last trimester of pregnancy and is already quite acute at birth; it is the most advanced of the newborn’s senses. Vision is the least mature sense at birth.

6 Surviving in Good Health
Vaccinations Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome In 1990, about 5,000 babies died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the United States. Risk Factors Putting infants to sleep on their backs reduces the risk but does not eliminate it. Breast Feeding

7 Infant Cognition Piaget sensorimotor intelligence Assimilation
accommodation object permanence

8 Infant Cognition

9 Language Learning Early Communication Crying Child-directed Babbling
First words Naming explosion Holophrase Grammar acquisition

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