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The French Revolution -Key Concepts-.

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1 The French Revolution -Key Concepts-

2 Learning Goal Students will be able to explain the events that sparked the French Revolution. Students will be able to explain some of the arguments for a representative government.

3 Liberty Popular Sovereignty = A government where people have a say The importance of a representative assembly The importance of a written constitution Freedom to accumulate property

4 Equality Equality of rights and civil liberties
Equality before the law No special privileges for the rich Equality of opportunity “Careers Open to Talent”

5 John Locke English Enlightenment Foundation Life, Liberty & Property
Locke’s Notion of the Rights of Englishmen would influence France & America

6 British North America “All Men are Created Equal”
American Constitution would influence the French Revolution and what the people would want in France. Thomas Jefferson

7 The French Revolution France = most powerful and has the largest population in Europe Massive social revolution Worldwide impact Becomes model for future revolutions Latin America Simone Bolivar Latin Liberator or Latin American George Washington mimics the French Revolution in Latin America

8 Origins Began as a revolt for individual rights
Aristocracy: is a form of government, in which a few of the most prominent citizens rule. This may be a hereditary elite, or it may be by a system The time before the revolution in was a period called the Old Regime

9 Origins continued Only solution = tax reform and a direct tax on all property

10 Estates-General An old feudal assembly that had not met since 1614
Three Estates: 1 Clergy, 2 Nobility, 3 Commoners The significance of the voting procedure The 1st & 2nd Estates would always join up to vote against the 3rd Estate

11 Three Estates

12 Third Estate Largest class 97% of the Population
Bourgeoisie: Top of the class. Lawyers, Merchants Doctors. 4 million Peasants 21 million

13 Agenda Notes we will finish them today No notes next week
Channel One/Current events if we get done early Next Week Monday- work on a project worth 12 points Tuesday- work on review Wednesday – Kahoot & Study Stack Thursday- Test over French Revolution

14 Liberalism Estates-General became the National Assembly in June of with the power to frame a constitution Tennis Court Oath Create the Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen

15 “Revolutionaries in the Streets”
Educated leadership of lawyers and journalists would influence the peasants Third Estate finally has had enough

16 What were the Motivations of these Revolutionaries?
Poverty and Hunger Low wages and fear of unemployment Strong dislike for and distrust of the wealthy

17 Storming the Bastille Events of the night of July 13, 1789
Three Reasons why Symbol of royal oppression The people storming wanted gunpowder and weapons that were stored there Louis XVI sent troops to Paris

18 Declaration of the Rights of Man —August 27, 1789
Main Principles Liberty, Equality and Fraternity Fraternity = word associated with the idea of community, which is a body of people that share a common interest or purpose

19 Declaration of the Rights of Man Continued
Grants Freedom of Speech, press & Religion States ALL men are equal Guarantees the right to a fair trial

20 Problems Mounting unemployment and hunger in Paris in the fall of 1789
“The point is that we want bread!” Women nearly killed the Queen Marie Antoinette

21 National Assembly Constitution of 1791
Creates a Constitutional Monarchy Universal Manhood Suffrage. Conservatives wanted a Constitutional Monarchy Radicals wanted a Republic

22 Popular Political Mobilization
Revolutionary Talk More than 500 new newspapers Oath of Loyalty “Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite!” Revolutionary Clubs The Jacobins

23 Overthrow of Louis XVI The Austrian Emperor would lead an attack on France in an effort to restore his sister to the French Throne. Radicals would capture Louis XVI as he was trying to escape to Austria Counter-revolution movement by Catholics and Royalists to restore the monarchy

24 Growing Radicalism Reasons: Snowball Effect Unsatisfied Expectations
Increasing Violence Change in Political Leadership


26 Effects of the French Revolution
Both the King and Queen were beheaded by the National Convention French monarchy no more

27 Maximilien Robespierre’s Reign of Terror
Became the voice of the French people an their hatred for the monarchy The Committee of Public Safety Anyone loyal to the Old Regime was executed during the Reign of Terror

28 Reign of Terror Execution of 40,000 “Enemies of the Nation”
Stress on radical definition of equality Wanted a legal maximum on personal wealth Wanted a regulation of commercial profits End of Robespierre’s dictatorship on July 28, 1794

29 National Convention Even though it was the most radical government that governed Franc during the Revolution it still accomplished the following Wage & Price controls Slavery was abolished in French colonies New system of weights and measurements

30 Napoleon Bonaparte National Convention would ask for him to lead an army to protect France from England, Austria & Russia Gains power & respect with a marriage to Josephine de Beauharais

31 Napoleon Bonaparte cont
Overthrows government in a Coup de tat The Directory ( ) Weak 5 directors Argued Corrupt Lead to a military dictatorship

32 Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon’s Rise to Power
Short man, but a strong personality. New tactics used on the battlefield. Placement of troops Treatment of Troops They were housed in better facilities More food & Money Better treatment

33 Napoleon’s Rise to Power
Became a loved hero! Belief that he could win wars against anyone. Government was weak- “I found the crown of France laying on the ground, and I picked it up with my sword”

34 Consulate People accepted him as a dictator because they wanted stability after years of unrest Napoleon- dictator unlimited power Controlled military Placement of officials Created the Plebiscite Vote yes or no Voters approves constitution

35 Major Accomplishments
Napoleonic Code Establishment of the Bank of France Created schools A system of laws that respected rights Reconciliation with the Catholic Church Concordat Reunited France and the Roman Catholic Church Freedom of religion The church would give up its claim to land that was seized during the revolution

36 Napoleon's defeats He will try to defeat Russia
Long brutal war lost 2/3 of his 600,000 troops Scorched Earth Policy- burn towns as they leave them and the French have no resources Russia’s Climate & Size would also lead to his defeat Further military defeats would lead to him giving up the throne and being granted freedom and the ability to live on Elba Island by Italy. Louis XVIII would take over.

37 Hundred Days Napoleon would gain strength and attack Louis XVII.
Gained control All European countries would mount an attack against him. Creating the Concert of Europe Steps down and is held on St. Helena where he would eventually die. Final defeat took place in Waterloo

38 Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna met to decide the fate of Europe. Restored the balance of power Former ruling families would be restored Countries that lost land and money would be paid back by France

39 What is liberty? Define equality What was the dual revolution? What is aristocracy? Name the 3 estates and their role in society. What was the Storming of Bastille? What was the Declaration of Rights of Man? What is Radicalism or extremism? Why was Maximilien’s reign called the Reign of Terror? What was the directory? How did Napoleon gain power and rule France? Explain Napoleon’s greatest accomplishment.

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