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The Aging Experience    Middle Adulthood (40-65)

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Presentation on theme: "The Aging Experience    Middle Adulthood (40-65)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Aging Experience  Middle Adulthood (40-65) Transitions: Critical changes that occur at all stages of life. (Example- Graduating high school, etc…) Generativity: Shifts of attention away from one self in the present to concern for future generations.  ( Ability to take care of another person) Physical transitions Menopause: Is the stopping of ovulation & menstruation that results from hormone changes. (Ages 45-55) ~During menopause women experience: *Night sweats *Hot flashes *Can not get pregnant

2 Mental & Emotional Transitions
~Question ones self: Ex: Have they met their goals? Have they made positive differences in others lives? Do they feel loved and valued?  Social Transitions ~Adapt to death of loved ones ~Children growing up Empty Nest Syndrome: Feelings of despair or loneliness that accompany children’s leaving home and entering adulthood.

3 Integrity: Feeling of wholeness and contentment.
Late Adulthood (65+) ~Retirement from workplace Physical changes: ~Organ functions slow down ~Immune system becomes less effective ~Many diseases occur: cancer, heart disease ~Alzheimers- mental deterioration. Caused by brain cell death ~Parkinsons- muscle function loss Emotional & Social Changes: Integrity: Feeling of wholeness and contentment. ~Achieve integrity by: *Keeping relationships *Committing to a cause (religion, family)

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