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Logan Ricky Doug Harrison

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1 Logan Ricky Doug Harrison
USSR: Between the Wars Logan Ricky Doug Harrison

2 Stalin’s Background Stalin was born in Gori, Georgia on December 2, 1879. Stalin was a sickly child who lived in poverty for his childhood. As a child, Stalin studied for a career in priesthood. Later, he became interested in revolutions around the world. In fact, he was actually put in a cell for reading a book on the French Revolution. Stalin joined the Bolsheviks and was exiled to Siberia.

3 The Rise of Stalin Vladimir Lenin died in January 21, 1924.
Following his death, a struggle for the leadership of Russia took place. The two emerging powers were Trotsky and Stalin. Joseph Stalin put his own followers in top political jobs and became leader in 1928. Vladimir Lenin

4 Stalin’s Iron-Fisted Rule
Stalin controlled all aspects of society, in what is called a totalitarian rule. Created several Five-Year Plans, which were put in place to help industrialize Russia. Stalin wanted increased production of everything, especially roads, oil, and steel.

5 Stalin’s Iron-Fisted Rule (Cont.)
Stalin put a command economy in place, meaning the government controlled all economic decisions. Stalin put collectivization in place. Collectives were farms were many farmers lived together, and the government took most of the goods they produced. Stalin feared opposing party leaders, so him and his secret police killed writers, army leaders, and Old Bolsheviks in what was known as the Great Purge.

6 Stalin’s Death Stalin died March 5th, 1953.
The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhaging after a series of small strokes. Stalin died slowly and in agony, and his final resting was his bed.

7 Stalin’s Legacy Stalin also helped industrialize and advance Russia.
Stalin is infamous fro being one of the most ruthless and vicious rulers of all time. Stalin killed twice as many people as Hitler did. Stalin also helped industrialize and advance Russia.

8 Interwar Impact in the 20’s
Joseph Stalin and the U.S.S.R had a negative impact on the interwar era. He virtually created the totalitarian state. Under Stalin’s Five-Year Plans, Russian citizens had nearly no freedom.

9 Interwar Impact in the 30’s
Stalin and the U.S.S.R had a negative impact on the world in the 30’s. Stalin purged his people and killed millions of innocent civilians. Stalin’s collectivization reduced the production of agricultural goods.

10 Test When was Stalin born?

11 Answer 1879

12 Question What did Stalin wan to do as a boy?

13 Answer To be a priest

14 Question When did Stalin rise to power?

15 Answer 1928

16 Question What kind of rule did Stalin enforce on Russia.

17 Answer Totalitarianism rule

18 Question What was the purpose of the 5 year plan?

19 Answer To make Russia more industrial

20 Question Did the 5 year plan live up to it’s purpose?

21 Answer Yes

22 Question When did Stalin die?

23 Answer 1953

24 Question Was Russia free to make economic decisions under the 5 year plan?

25 Answer No

26 Question Did Stalin help make peace in the interwar era?

27 Answer No, he caused a lot of unnecessary violence.

28 Question Did Stalin kill more people than Hitler?

29 Answer Yes, plenty more.

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