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Lesson 1- Ms. Fitzgerald Unit 3

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1 Lesson 1- Ms. Fitzgerald Unit 3
Personal Safety Lesson 1- Ms. Fitzgerald Unit 3

2 Lesson 1-Learning Objectives
Identify bullying behaviors Describe why we think bullying happens? Evaluate methods of bullying prevention

3 What is Bullying? Starter Task
In your notes write down what you believe bullying means? You can give examples or draw a picture

4 Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among people.
The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying can have a very serious and damaging effect on people’s lives. Whether you have done it to someone else, were the victim of it or you have witnessed it. It CANNOT be tolerated.

5 Bullying Video Task 1 Watch the following video and write down what you think is happening in video What advice would you give to this person to help them fight the bullies?

6 4 Types of bullying Physical bullying involves hitting, shoving, pushing, tripping, and other kinds of force. Verbal bullying involves hurtful comments, name-calling, teasing. Social bullying involves using relationships to hurt someone. It involves excluding or ostracizing someone from a friend group, spreading rumors, or “the silent treatment”. Cyberbullying happens over cellphones or the internet.

7 What does a bully look like?
What do bullies look like to you? Task 2 Complete the “what do bully's “ look like worksheet so we can begin to understand what a bully may look like and what kind of characteristics they might have. Discuss

8 Homework Complete the homework Quiz Task and return it for class discussion next Monday Any questions let me know

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