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DOL level 4 week 2 Analogy ocean : seaweed - prairie : _______

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1 DOL level 4 week 2 Analogy ocean : seaweed - prairie : _______
2. foot: ________ - head: ear 1. she said you slided it between joe and i 2. but yesterday i never give nothing to him grasses toe

2 Pledge

3 Fluency 6 min. reading solution

4 Word Structure reconsider reassured disappear disown unknown uncertain
unable unhappy enrich enable endear enlarge midnight Midwest midway midterm Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

5 Word Structure midnight Midwest midway midterm Line 4 night west way
These words begin with the prefix mid-. What does the prefix mid- mean? Some words containing the prefix mid- are hyphenated; for example, mid-July. Identify each root word. Think of other words to which you can add the prefix mid. Use each word in a sentence. middle

6 Read the first half of the selection
Fluency Pay attention to punctuation and attributions. Turn to page 50 first 6 paragraphs Shift your speech as you say the words that the characters are saying. (between quotation marks. “..”) Shift your speech again when you read the narrative text. Read the first half of the selection

7 Reading and Responding
pp 62 – 63 Meet the author and the Illustrator What risk do Ellen and William take in the story? What are the possible consequences of that risk? How is the risk that the Crafts take similar to the risk taken by Karana in “Island of the Blue Dolphins”? How are the risks in these two selections different? What people in your community take risks to make thing better? What would happen if these people stopped taking risks?

8 Concept/Question Board
Remember to post ideas and questions to the Board. You might post the following: Maps and information bout the Underground Railroad Newspaper or magazine articles Locomotive-shaped paper with questions

9 Supporting the Reading
*When reading a story, it helps to make connections between what they know or have experienced and what they are reading. This allows them to more completely understand and appreciate what they are reading. Make connections to the text based on the following: What you have experienced in your lives. Personal knowledge about certain people, places, eras, and things. Texts you have read in the past. Reread the third and fourth paragraphs on page 52 beginning with “Suddenly the bell rang…” How do you think the officer felt while all the other passengers were watching him. Think about your experiences. Have you ever made a decision based on what you thought other people wanted you to do?

10 Supporting the Reading Apply
Read the following text, then write a paragraph explaining what connections you made while reading. Tonya took a deep breath as she walked toward the school. The laughter and joking of school children were all around her, but she barely heard their voices. She and her family recently moved across the country because of her father’s new job. She left behind all the friends she had known since preschool. How could she start over? How could she make new friends in a school where she would be the new girl? She shook her head, let out her breath, and marched through the door.

11 Language Arts revising
Think bout the following as you revise your realistic fiction. Do the characters speak the way that a person would? For example, two small children would not use formal language when speaking with each other. Sentences should vary in length, having unique styles, and begin with different words to make the writing more interesting for readers. Revise your realistic stories using the checklist on Skills Practice 1 page 10.

12 Vocabulary lesson 2 companion companñero concealed ocultarse
Her stuffed animal was her favorite companion. The trees were concealed by the mist. person who is traveling with someone else to hide (past tense) hastened apresuran shuddered cercenado In order to finish he hastened his speed. He shuddered at the thoughts of being alone in the woods at night. to hurry (past tense) to shake with horror (past tense)

13 Vocabulary lesson 2 despairing desesperado delivered emitido
“There is no hope,” he said in despairing voice. “I would give anything to be delivered from this mess!”. without hope to save (past tense) flickerin parpadenties sympathetic compasivo Just then he saw a flickering light. “I care,” he said in a sympathetic voice. understanding; having a kind feeling for someone become brighter and then darker over and over

14 Spelling Divide into two teams.
One student will find a spelling word on the board, pronounce it, and draw a slash between the prefix and the root word; for example: re/wind If the student responds correctly, give the student’s team one point Repeat with the other team the team with the most points wins. replace discount review unfold midterm rewind unfair midlife displace untie renew undone disown reheat midnight uncover Midwest disagree midway disappear dissolve rearrange unfamiliar

15 Language Arts Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
The conductor was irritated. Was is a linking verb. Some verbs show action, and others express states of being. These verbs are called linking verbs. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence with a noun or and adjective that renames or describes the subject. Linking verbs usually are a form of the verb to be: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been

16 Language Arts Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been Write a couple of sentences using linking verbs and exchange the sentences with a partner. Partners should identify the verbs and the words describing the subjects.

17 Rotations Read with teacher Work in Skills Practice Book Pages 1, 2, 3, 5,6 Read “The Star Called the Sun” pg 49. Practice cursive handwriting . The letter B b Blue Yellow Red Blue Red Green Yellow Green Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue Red

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