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The 5 Canons of Rhetoric and Aristotle’s Classic Model

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1 The 5 Canons of Rhetoric and Aristotle’s Classic Model
A.P Language and Composition The Art of Persuasion

2 Rhetoric Every time we use language--in speech or in writing--we engage in a rhetorical act. Another way of saying this would be to say that all communication is rhetorical. Whenever we use language, we have an intention--a message to communicate or a goal to achieve. All of us behave rhetorically every time we use language. In fact, a useful modern definition of rhetoric is simply the intentional use of language to influence an audience.

3 History of Rhetoric During the 4th century B.C., Aristotle wrote the Rhetoric in which he defined rhetoric as discovering all available means of persuasion on a topic. Thus, for Aristotle, rhetoric has a clear persuasive function, but also an epistemic function--it serves as a way to discover what is known and what can be known about a subject.

4 The 5 Canons of Rhetoric Invention Arrangement Style Memory Delivery

5 Canon # 1 Invention (Inventio)
In the canon of invention, a writer is looking for a starting point—how to come up with what he or she wants to write. Invention is the art of finding arguments in any situation and developing material. Determining the Rhetorical Situation: purpose (exigence), audience, and constraints

6 Canon #2 Arrangement (Dispositio)
In the second canon, the writer accomplishes his or her purpose using Patterns of Arrangement aka Rhetorical Modes. More than one pattern can, and usually does, appear in essays. Principles of arrangement help a writer plan order, structure, and support the parts of the piece of writing. More on this later…

7 Patterns of Arrangement
Exemplification Compare/Contrast Cause/Effect Classification Process Analysis Definition Narration

8 Canon #3 Style (Elecutio)
In the third canon, writers make choices regarding words, phrases, and sentences. Conscious choice about stylistic decisions in writing can help writers reflect themselves, communicate meaning, and influence readers. What does this include?? Schemes and Tropes: Diction, syntax, tone, figurative language, EPL, etc. all depending on the situation…

9 Canon #4 Memory (Memoria)
“Fixing” the words and proofs in the mind, an art of recall Classically, the memorization of speeches Using mnemonic devices (using ideas that are familiar to recall ideas and words that are unfamiliar)

10 Canon #5 Delivery (Pronuntio)
Includes: Stylistic choices in speeches (voice inflection) Setting off words in writing The look of the final published product—the medium of publication: written, visual, spoken The sound of the final delivered presentation

11 Write in the 21st Century Writing is one of the world’s oldest technologies Writing is both visual and verbal Writing is multilingual Writing can reach massive audiences (in a very short time) Writing is primarily public from: p 27 EDW

12 When Writing an Argument
You are attempting to convince readers of something… Change their minds Urge them to do something Address a problem where no simple solution exists

13 Six Elements of Classical Argument
(Goes With Canon #2) 1) Exordium/Introduction: captures attention of audience; urges audience to consider your case 2) Narratio/Statement of Background: narrates the key facts and/or events leading up to your case 3) Divisio/Proposition: states the position you are taking, based on the information you’ve already presented, and sets up the structure of the rest of your argument

14 Six Elements of Classical Argument (Cont.)
4) Confirmatio/Proof: discusses your reasons for your position and provides evidence to support each reason 5) Confutatio/Refutation: anticipates opposing viewpoints; then demonstrates why your approach is the only acceptable one (i.e. better than your opponents’) 6) Peroratio/Conclusion: summarizes your most important points and can include appeals to feelings or values (pathos)

15 When Writing an Argument
Who is your audience? Scholars? Fellow Students? Collegues? Children? Write to your particular audience

16 When Writing an Argument
Shape your appeal to your audience Establish common ground Respect your audience’s interests and views Choose examples the audience can relate to Use language appropriate to your audience

17 Audience p27 EDW What is your topic or message?
What is your relationship to your audience? What are your values & beliefs? Your audience’s? You & your audience’s background knowledge? Time and space limitations? Purpose? Appropriate level of language?

18 What do you the language you use to do?
Analyze? Classify? Compare? Contrast? Define? Describe? Discuss? Explain? Survey? Prove?

19 The Argument p70 EDW “…all language has an argumentative edge.”
Do not assume that all writers agree with you! “What one [person] might call a massive demonstration another might call a noisy protest, and yet another an angry march…”

20 Analyzing the Argument p71 EDW
What is the main issue (stasis) What emotional, ethical and logical appeals can you use? How can you establish your credibility? What sources do you have? How current and reliable are they? Does your thesis reflect your claim accurately? How can you use visuals to support your argument?

21 When Writing an Argument
Stasis Theory (stasis = stand) Did the act occur? How is the act defined? How important or serious is the act? What actions should be taken as a result of this act?

22 When Writing an Argument
Reason :: Logic Emotion :: Values Character :: Credibility :: Ethics LOGOS :: PATHOS :: ETHOS

23 Logos :: Pathos :: Ethos
The appeal to reason (logic) Pathos The appeal to emotion (values) Ethos The appeal to character (ethics)

24 When Writing an Argument
Logos :: reason “The facts don’t lie” Use of evidence Trustworthy sources Clearly defined terms

25 When Writing an Argument
Pathos :: emotion of the reader Reminds us of deeply held values Stirs reader’s emotions Creates a strong emotional appeal

26 When Writing an Argument
Ethos :: character of the writer The credibility, moral character, and goodwill of the writer (ethics) Knowledgeable on the subject? Trustworthy? In the best interest of the audience?

27 When Writing an Argument
Identify the elements of an argument Most arguments share a claim, reasons for that claim, warrants (assumptions) which connect the claim to the reasons, evidence (facts, credible opinions, examples, statistics), and qualifiers (limiting of the claim)

28 When Writing an Argument
Identify the elements of an argument Claim Reasons, for that claim Warrants or assumptions, which connect the claim to the reasons Evidence, facts, credible opinions, examples, statistics Qualifiers, limits of the claim

29 When Writing an Argument
Recognize Fallacies Serious Flaws Barriers to common ground and understanding Pages The Everyday Writer Emotional, ethical, logical fallacies

30 Recognizing Fallacies
Emotional Bandwagon appeal, flattery, in-crowd appeal, veiled threats, false analogies Ethical Ad hominem, guilt by association, false authority Logical Begging the question, post hoc fallacy, non sequitur, either-or, hasty generalization, oversimplification

31 When Writing an Argument
Demonstrating Knowledge Using credible sources Demonstrating Fairness Considering the other side in your paper adds to your credibility

32 Organizing an Argument
The Classical System 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Lines of Argument 4. Alternative arguments 5. Conclusion

33 Organizing an Argument
The Toulmin System 1. Make your claim 2. Qualify your claim 3. Present good reasons as support 4. Explain the underlying assumptions 5. Provide additional evidence 6. Acknowledge possible counter arguments 7. Draw your conclusions

34 When Making Presentations of your finished Arguments
Know your material Practice, practice, practice Helps you be more comfortable on presentation day Make Eye Contact Adds to your credibility Lets the listeners know you know your stuff

35 The 5 Canons of Rhetoric Invention Arrangement Style Memory Delivery

36 When Making Presentations of your finished Arguments
Who is your audience? How should you dress?

37 Rhetoric in Ads Every ad is a mini-essay, an argument crafted to appeal to a particular audience. DIDLS – diction, images, details, language and sentence structure – will be used as a strategy for analysis.

38 Appealing to Your Audience
When analyzing someone else’s argument or constructing your own, always ask yourself these questions: Who is the speaker? Who is the speaker or author’s intended audience? How do I know who the audience is? How has the audience influenced the speaker or author’s choice of argumentative strategies?

39 Logos - Logic Loosely defined, logos refers to the use of logic, reasons, facts, statistics, data, and numbers. Logical appeals are aimed at the mind of the audience, their thinking side. Very often, logos seems tangible and touchable. When a speaker or writer uses logical appeals, he or she will avoid inflammatory language, and the writer will carefully connect its reasons to supporting evidence. Ask yourself why the author or speaker is using logos? Advantages: provides evidence for major decisions Disadvantages: can demand a high degree of reader attention

40 Logos - Logic Here are some, but not all, techniques that are used in this type of appeal: test results standard research findings surveys eyewitness testimony logical reasons why your audience should believe you (keep in mind that not all reasons are equally persuasive for all audiences). evidence that proves or explains your reasons facts – using information that can be checked by testing, observing firsthand, or reading reference materials to support an opinion. statistics – percentages, numbers, and charts to highlight significant data expert opinion – statements by people who are recognized as authorities on the subject. examples – giving examples that support each reason use of cause and effect, compare and contrast, and analogy

41 Pathos - Emotion Arguments from the heart are designed to appeal to the audience’s emotions and feelings. Emotions can direct people in powerful ways to think more carefully about what they do. In hearing or reading an argument that is heavy on emotional appeals, ask yourself these questions: How is the speaker or author appealing to the audience’s emotions? Why? Always try to name the emotions being appealed to (love, sympathy, anger, fear, hate, patriotism, compassion) and figure out how the emotion is being created in the audience

42 Pathos - Emotion Emotional appeals are often just examples - ones chosen to awaken specific feelings in an audience. Although frequently abused, the emotional appeal is a legitimate aspect of argument, for speakers and authors want their audience to care about the issues they address. Most common emotions appealed to include Creativity – desire for recognition by self-expression Achievement – the need to attain money, fame, or fulfillment Independence -- the drive to be unique, to stand out, to be individual Conformity – the desire to be included Endurance – to achieve satisfaction by bearing burdens others could not Fear – to resist, avoid, or defeat threats to the self or society Advantages: produces immediate results. Disadvantages: limited impact, can backfire, limited factual support

43 Pathos - Emotion Here are some, but not all, techniques that are used in this type of appeal: creativity – may use humor, word play, etc. to invoke positive emotions moving stories and anecdotes that prove your opinion music, color, art using emotional language or “catchy words” to appeal to people’ s values or guilty consciences or vivid description. slanting . Omitting or not using information that may conflict with or weaken the author’s opinion. predicting extreme outcomes of events/dire predication in order to create a sense of urgency specific examples

44 Ethos - Ethics Ethical appeals depend on the credibility or training of the author. Audiences tend to believe writers who seem honest, wise, and trustworthy. An author or speaker exerts ethical appeal when the language itself impresses the audience that the speaker is a person of intelligence, high moral character and good will. Thus a person wholly unknown to an audience can by words alone win that audience’s trust and approval. Aristotle emphasized the importance of impressing upon the audience that the speaker is a person of good sense and high moral character. Advantages: can be very powerful, if the audience shares standards Disadvantages: depends on readers who accept similar principles

45 Ethos - Ethics Here are some, but not all, techniques that are used in this type of appeal: Religion – the desire to follow the rules and behavior of one’s faith Patriotism – the urge to place one’s country before personal needs Standards – the desire to be a good citizen, good student, good parent, etc. Humanitarianism – secular appeal to help others, save the environment, help the helpless, etc.

46 Argument v. Persuasion Argument vs. Persuasion Argument Persuasion
From Sara Hayes Website: < Argument v. Persuasion Argument Persuasion Gain legitimacy Purpose Gain consent Convince of credibility Motivate to action/non-action Appeal to logic Method Appeal to values, desires, emotions Formal Usage Informal Non-standard Data Informed sources Concession for legitimacy Definition (generic audience) Characteristics Illustrations Assertiveness Jargon Euphemisms Overstatement/understatement “Common man” Specific audience Connotation Summary (repetition of arguments Endings Often direction – action/non-action Logically – often linear organization, i.e. most to least/least to most Clear assertions – often at beginning first third Organization Organization development for building emotion Relate to reader then charged examples Assertions often implied

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