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How to Structure Your Essay and Support your Point

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Presentation on theme: "How to Structure Your Essay and Support your Point"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Structure Your Essay and Support your Point
Argumentation How to Structure Your Essay and Support your Point

2 What is an Argument?

3 What are the parts of an argument essay?
Position/ Claim Reason(s) Explanation (Analysis) Supporting details (Thesis) (Body Paragraphs) (Specific examples, quotes)

4 How will you write a specific claim (thesis)?
Thesis= position (America is/ America is not) + reasons you support this position Check your Prewrite: Underline your position and number your reasons. QW: Start your outline by drafting a thesis and listing your reasons so far. (Leave space to brainstorm evidence/ support later.)

5 How will you support your reasons?
Give specific examples of experiences/ observations Make good comparisons Consult experts Cite facts/ statistics Reason Evidence/ example Analysis Evidence/ example Analysis

6 Types of Support (Examples)
Claudia Goldin, Professor of Economics at Harvard, the gender pay gap may be caused by women needing more flexible hours a year or two after having children. Although the Affordable Care Act has provided lower cost options for health insurance in the U.S., in many other developed nations, like Canada, health care is funded by the government and free to citizens. My sister is an undocumented student who is eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Due to new state laws, she now can qualify for financial aid and EOPS. As of the 2014 Census, 46.7 million people in the United States were in poverty which was defined as earning $24,000 or less for a family of four.

7 Types of Support with Citations and Analysis
According to Claudia Goldin, Professor of Economics at Harvard, the gender pay gap may be a result of women desiring more flexible working hours a year or two after having children (Dubner). This shows America is still not… Although the Affordable Care Act has provided lower cost options for health insurance in the U.S., in many other developed nations, like Canada, health care is funded by the government and free to citizens (Canadian Healthcare). Despite America’s attempts to…

8 Types of Support (with Citations and Analysis)
My sister is an undocumented student who is eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Due to new state laws, she now can qualify for financial aid and EOPS. These opportunities prove… As of the 2014 Census, 46.7 million people in the United States were in poverty (Census) which was defined as earning $24,000 or less for a family of 4 (Department of Health & Human Services). Such poverty rates reveal….

9 How can you make your essay persuasive?
Using logical reasoning when choosing and explaining my evidence. Acknowledging counter-arguments and finding common ground. Appealing to readers needs/ values/ emotions.

10 Logical Argument, Evidence and Reasoning.
For each of the following, consider: Did the writer provide sufficient data and evidence? Did the writer provide relevant information? Women are less likely to get promoted to high power positions. In the United States, people are protected from discrimination by the laws. If the United States does not do a better job to lower the cost of education, no one will be able to afford school any longer. People who don’t see there is still examples of racism and sexism happening today are just ignorant. Many people want to immigrate to America because there are so many opportunities here!

11 Counter Arguments and Common Ground
Counter-argument: Address and disprove a concern of the opposing side. What is a major concern the other side may have? How is it weak or limited? Common ground: Point out the things both sides agree on. What arguments or policies do both sides support? What common values, goals, background or experiences might they have in common? Although people often believe…. This perspective fails to consider… We can all agree there needs to be less national debt…. The cost of college education is too high for … There are some major problems with…. However, what is more important is that…. Many of us remember the Great Recession….

12 Appeal to Needs/ Values/ Emotions.
As college students, we understand the importance and power of education. But currently in California, many lower and middle income families are struggling to… Although we might not always appreciate having to listen to people we disagree with during protests, elections, or Twitter debates, having the legal protection to support or disagree with other people’s opinion is probably not something any of us would readily give up…. Recall the black and white images of European immigrants fleeing war-torn Europe and concentration camps after WWII. Now take a moment to up pictures of immigrants, young and old and entire families, who are seeking to escape violence in places like Honduras and Syria….

13 Your Turn to Practice: Read “Why Would Anyone Miss War?” (Reflections 621) Underline the specific claim. Number the main reasons the author believes that claim. Put a  next to the specific examples/ evidence used to support the argument. Evaluate the author’s audience awareness: Does the writer use logical reasoning? Does the writer find common ground/ point out counter- arguments? Does the writer seem to address the readers emotions or values?

14 Your Turn to Practice: Read “What’s Wrong with the DREAM Act?” (Reflections 641) Underline the specific claim. Number the main reasons the author believes that claim. Put a  next to the specific examples/ evidence used to support the argument. Evaluate the author’s audience awareness: Does the writer use logical reasoning? Does the writer find common ground/ point out counter- arguments? Does the writer seem to address the readers emotions or values?

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