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CHAPTER 16 Mental Disorders

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1 CHAPTER 16 Mental Disorders

2 The Nature of Mental Disorders
Television and movie depictions are almost always inaccurate The average mental patient is confused and withdrawn The person with mental disorders distorts or exaggerates behaviors, it comes down to a matter of degree

3 Definitions of Mental Disorders
Extreme anxiety, endless worry, long periods of depression Behaves in a bizarre fashion, misinterpret what is going on Inefficient, often inflexible

4 Classifying Disorders
The DSM IV, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV Even though these categories have names and symptoms, no person really fits into one category The DSM IV is used only to provide some degree of order when trying to decide the kind of problem the patient has

5 Disorders of Childhood
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Children may have great deal of trouble focusing on the task at hand Easily distracted and frustrated, impulsive, constantly moving and restless ADHD effects 3 to 5 percent of the population 80 percent of children diagnosed are males, 8 to 10 years of age The most common treatment is the drug Ritalin

6 Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Symptoms center on a failure to develop normal communication patterns, social interactions, emotional responses Difficult to feed, exhibit no social smiling, frequent tantrums, rarely maintain eye contact 1 in ever 166 children effected We do not know what causes autism, there is no cure, no specific drug, and treatments have varied success

7 Oppositional Defiant Disorder - persistent pattern of tantrums, arguing, or disrespectful behavior toward authority figures - Begin before 8 years of age Refuse to listen to rules and requests Neurodevelopmental Disorder

8 Conduct Disorder emotionally and even physically violent behavior and a disregard for others exhibit cruelty early with behavior like pushing, hitting, and biting to bullying, picking fights, theft, vandalism, hurting animals and arson Adjustment disorder

9 Anxiety Disorders Except for substance abuse, anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental disorder Anxiety is a generalized feeling of apprehension and dread that includes many bodily upsets

10 Panic Disorder : person is afflicted by frequent and overwhelming attacks
Person may reach a point where activities are severely limited Can be treated with drugs

11 Phobic Disorders : person becomes disabled and overwhelmed by fear
Most people have mild phobias, for people with a true phobia the danger is so real they live in mortal fear Phobic's have died from overloads to their system The most common explanation for phobias today is that they result from association or learning

12 Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder : OCD
An Obsession refers to an endless preoccupation with some type of urge or thought A Compulsion is a symbolic, ritualized behavior that a person must act out repeatedly Acting out the behavior relieves anxiety, the behavior becomes self rewarding

13 Somatoform Disorders Psychological issues are expressed in bodily symptoms, but there is no actual physical problem Conversion Disorder: “hysterical blindness” or “hysterical paralysis” A serious psychological trauma is unconsciously changed into a symbolic physical dysfunction Hypochondrias people are overly concerned about their health

14 Dissociative Disorders
Amnesia: memories related to a terrible trauma disappear Can be caused by fever, of blunt force trauma Fugue: person disconnects all of his current life from awareness more men than women exhibit this problem Dissociative Identity Disorder: formally called multiple personality disorder people forget a portion of themselves Usually called schizophrenics on TV? ? ? Abuse in childhood seems to be common factor

15 Mood Disorders Dysthymic Disorder : is mild depression, between 4-12 percent of the population are affected by it Major Depression: extreme feelings of worthlessness, frequent thoughts of death and suicide Most people have trouble carrying out simple tasks Mania: involves agitation, restlessness, inability to concentrate, rapid speech Flight of ideas: thoughts are flying in all directions People with mania often get so excited that they begin to have delusions

16 Bipolar Disorder: People who experience the swings between the ups of mania and the downs of major depression Sometimes referred to as manic depression Causes of Mood Disorders: Significant loss or extreme stress Can be triggered by lifetime of separations, losses, and serious setbacks In adolescence, females are 2x as likely to suffer from moderate depression and 4x in major depression

17 Married women in the U.S. are more depressed than single women
The more children the women has, the higher the risk for depression Learned helplessness is often associated with depression People prone to depression usually have poor self-images When levels of Serotonin is very high= mania, when levels are very low= depression

18 Psychotic Disorders Major disorganization of thought processes, confused and extreme emotional responses, and distorted perceptions of the world Four major symptoms Thought disorder Hallucinations Delusions Emotional responses

19 Schizophrenia Catatonic Disorganized Paranoid Residual

20 Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia
Agitation Decreased sensitivity to pain Inability to take care of personal needs Negative feelings Motor disturbances Rigid Muscles Stupor

21 Symptoms of Disorganized Schizophrenia
Child-like (regressive) behavior Delusions Flat affect Hallucinations Inappropriate laughter Not understandable (incoherence) Repetitive behaviors Social withdrawal

22 Symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia
Anger Anxiety Argumentativeness Delusions of persecution Violence

23 Symptoms of Undifferentiated and Residual Schizophrenia
Undifferentiated type- may include symptoms of more than one type of schizophrenia. Residual type – symptoms of the illness have gone away, but individuals may still have hallucinations and flat affect

24 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Anxiety Disorder Develops after traumatic event or ordeal, witness to or part of 7-8% will develop PTSD 30% of men and women who have spent time in war zones 1-6 combatants in Iraq have experienced PTSD

25 3 Symptoms Flashbacks, recurring memories of event, nightmares
Avoidance of people, places Sleep problems, irritability, anger, easily startled

26 Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder : people with APD were originally called Psychopaths Lack of conscious is central to this disorder, Sociopath Do not abide by the rules usually followed by criminals Nothing in the way of drugs or treatment works to help them Borderline Personality Disorder : Intense and unstable relationships with other people Frequently use self-destructive behavior to manipulate others

27 Chapter 17 Therapies Psychotherapy: “healing of the soul”
Verbal interaction between a therapist and client development of a supportive and trusting relationship analysis by the therapist of the client’s problems One of the functions of psychotherapy is to help people realize that they are responsible for their own problems ,they are the only ones who can really solve these problems.

28 Psychoanalysis: based on the theories of Sigmund Freud
job of the psychoanalyst is to make patients aware of the unconscious impulses, desires, and fears that cause their anxiety free association: the analyst tells the patient to relax and talk about everything that comes to mind

29 humanistic therapy: to help people fulfill their human potential
client-centered therapy: reflects the belief that the client and therapist are partners in therapy stress the actualization of one’s unique potentials through personal responsibility, freedom of choice, and authentic relationships.

30 cognitive therapies : The goal of is to change the way people think
Disconfirmation occurs when clients are confronted with evidence that directly contradicts their existing beliefs Reconceptualization, clients work toward an alternative belief system to explain their experiences or current observations Insight, clients work toward understanding and deriving new or revised beliefs

31 Behavior therapy: there is emphasis on one’s behavior rather than one’s thoughts
behavior therapists concentrate on determining what is specifically troubling in the patient’s life and takes steps to change it (instead of the past)

32 Cognitive-behavior therapy : focuses on setting goals for changing a client’s behavior, placing more emphasis on changing the client’s interpretation of his or her situation seeks to help clients differentiate between serious, real problems and imagined or distorted problems

33 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), commonly called shock treatment
effective in the treatment of severe depression, acute mania, and some types of schizophrenia Psychosurgery : a medical operation that destroys part of the brain to make the patient calmer and freer of symptoms prefrontal lobotomy, which destroys the front portion of the brain, just behind the forehead

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