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Self Hosting POL Administration 1.9

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1 Self Hosting POL Administration 1.9
Administrative Options: Optional Features for Customizing Organizations and Access Control REVISED 3/18/11 Kim Robinson If you have Tips & Hints contributions, or suggestions for additional topics for this presentation, please Kimberly Robinson at or

2 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Custom Topics
Using GeoFences Apply geographic boundaries to image access Managing XML Basemaps Customize default XML basemaps for new organizations Using the White Box Customize Login logos and Application names Public Org URL change following 1.9 Upgrade Setting up an ArcGIS Geocode Search

3 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Using GeoFences
GeoFences can be used to restrict access to a specific geographic area of imagery. Create the GeoFence Application Operations > Create/Modify GeoFence Navigate to image area > Draw ‘GeoFence’ box Enter Polygon Name and State > Add Modify an existing GeoFence Select GeoFence > Draw new GeoFence > Select Modify Apply the GeoFence Organizational Properties > Control Org Access Load GeoFence List > Select GeoFence(s) and Add Delete to remove from Organization User will be notified if panning outside of specified area Ensure Organization Starting location is within the boundary GEOFENCING IS OPTIONAL Determine if there’s a need prior to demonstrating. If there is no customer need, SuperAdmin can disregard: Create/Modify GeoFence At this time, boundaries are limited to rectangular polygons. Uploading of shapefiles and the ability to block restricted areas like ‘donut holes’ has been requested for a future release. Multiple Geofences can be applied to one organization. There is no longer an address search option when defining an area on the Geofence map. The administrator must navigate to the location manually. Control Organization Access is used to apply both Geofences and Custom Labels.

4 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Manage XML Basemap (OSM)
Newly created organizations default to Open Street Maps (OSM) XML (POL_Config_OSM.xml) Install should update the POL_Config_OSM.xml to reference the tile server, so the default Open Street Maps XML should be valid. To override the default XML for any organization, paste XML into Organization Customization > XML Tab on the POL Admin screen. TROUBLSHOOTING TIP: If a map appears, but imagery does not, ensure the POL_Config_OSM.xml was properly updated to reference the correct tile server location. If it was not, revise it: Ensuring the default XML is functional, and references the desired map will allow the SuperAdmin to leave the Organiztion Customization > XML tab BLANK when creating new organizations. The next page demonstrates how to default to an XML other than Open Street Maps. Go to: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\EFS\js\XML and locate the POL_Config_OSM.xml. Open with Notepad, locate <tileservers> and modify

5 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Manage XML Basemap Default
If desired, the default XML can be modified to point to a different map. To change the default basemap from Open Street Maps to Custom XML... Add Custom XML to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\EFS\js\XML Modify webconfig.xml “defaultmapconfig” to reference the custom XML Go to: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\EFS and locate the webconfig.xml Open with Notepad, locate “defaultmapconfig” and modify file_name.xml for the desired default XML

6 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Using the White Box
The White Box can be used to present custom logos for the user interface. Application Name Pertains to current organization only. Not global. Virtual Directory Reference ‘efs’ as default virtual directory, or create and assign unique virtual directories for logo URL provided to users must reference the virtual directory. Icon to Load Load icon to appear next to the POL Application Name for current organization only. Not global. Must be 16x16, standard png, jpg, etc. Logo to Load Load Logo to appear on login screen for URL that includes the Virtual Dir referenced above. Must be 639x183, standard png, jpg, etc Application Name and Icon White Box can be used to provide custom login page logo and POL icon for a user group. Default Virtual Directory is EFS. Super Admin can create additional virtual directories, and provide users with a unique URL to login if desired. If using this feature, Admin must provide an Icon and Logo... all four fields are required. Usability for this feature is low, and will be improved in a future release. Application Settings will allow SuperAdmin to customize the name that appears on the POL title bar after the user logs in. If customizing only the organization name is desired, use Application Settings. Welcome Screen Logo

7 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Public Organization URL (Upgrade)
SH-POL v has altered the structure of the public link with embedded credentials. Rather than using ‘login.php’ in the URL, it is necessary to use ‘default.php’. Once the change is made to the link, it should work. For example:

8 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Set up an ArcGIS Geocode Search
These instructions provide a framework to set up SH-POL v1.9.1 to utilize an existing, functional geocode service published using ArcGIS Server 9.3 or 10. The Administrator must know the URL to their GeocodeServer resource. This example is populated with data from Polk County, IA, but the principles remain consistent for all SH-POL v users. Go to the SH-POL Admin interface > GIS Data Resources Select the Geocoder Services tab... Click on ‘Add new service…’ Service Type > Choose: ArcGIS Geocoder Service Description > Enter: Service Name (A name to identify the service)

9 SH-POL 1.9 Admin Options Set up an ArcGIS Geocode Search
Display Name > Enter: Search Display Name (This is the name users will see in the POL search drop down menu) Service Base URL > Enter: GeocodeServer Resource URL Example: Geocode Operation > Enter: FindAddressCandidates (this operation name could be altered by the ArcGIS admin, although ‘FindAddressCandidates’ appears to be a standard) Result Limit > Enter: 100 (returns up to 100 hits; set per admin preferences) TROUBLSHOOTING TIP: If when performing a search, the message: Alert - Unable to locate address is received, it’s likely the local projection (especially for MN locations) is not configured in the PROJ.4 config file. If that’s the case, it’s an easy fix.  Contact Pictometry Customer Support.

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