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World War I “The War to End All War”.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I “The War to End All War”."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I “The War to End All War”

2 Primary Cause The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914

3 Secondary Causes Unification of Germany

4 Secondary Causes Annexation of Bosnia by Austria Hungary (1908)

5 Secondary Causes Complex and Shifting Alliance System
Triple Entente vs. Triple Alliance

6 Secondary Causes Militarism
countries compete to build up their military (arms race)

7 Secondary Causes Colonialism/Imperialism
European nations compete for lands in Africa, Asia,

8 World War I The War Starts - Assassination sets off a chain reaction - The Alliance System: Allies (Triple Entente) vs. Central Powers (Triple Alliance) - The Schlieffen Plan & the first Battle of the Marne

9 America’s Role Watching and Waiting: “America First”
U.S. stays neutral

10 Watching and Waiting: “America First”
America’s Role Watching and Waiting: “America First” U.S. stays neutral Foreign Policy Struggle – isolationists, interventionists, “Moral Diplomacy” Mexican Revolution Struggling to stay neutral Strong peace movement As time passed, more sympathy for the Allies Anglophiles in the White House

11 America’s Role Isolationists-want U.S. to STAY OUT
LaFollette, Addams, peace groups

12 America’s Role Interventionists-want America to intervene or get involved Roosevelt, Preparedness Movement

13 Watching and Waiting: “America First”
America’s Role Watching and Waiting: “America First” U.S. stays neutral Foreign Policy Struggle – isolationists, interventionists, “Moral Diplomacy” Mexican Revolution Struggling to stay neutral Strong peace movement As time passed, more sympathy for the Allies Anglophiles in the White House

14 Leaning Towards the Allies
Common Language and Culture Protect Democracy Transatlantic Cables Economic reasons – Trade with the Allies – “Rights of Neutrals” Aggressive violent image of Germany Preparedness Movement

15 America at War Causes for U.S. Entry to WW I A. German Activity
(Remember, this is 3 years after WW I starts) A. German Activity 1. Spies and Sabotage 2. U-Boat Warfare (Lusitania & others) 3. Zimmerman Note American trade/investment - $$$


17 America at War Situation in Europe (1917)
Stalemate & Devastation on the Western Front (Trench Warfare) Russia: Revolution, then the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk German offensive Allies desperate for U.S. help


19 America at War The Home Front Selective Service Act – The Draft
“Convoy” system – Adm. Sims Monetary costs Government Bureaucracy Food Administration War Industries Board US RR Admin. War Labor Policies Board Committee on Public Information (CPI)




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27 America at War The Home Front Attacking the “Enemy Within”
Unofficial – Tide of Intolerance Official – curtailing individual rights & protections Women’s Movement Benefits

28 America at War Americans in Action 14 Points
A.E.F. – “Doughboys”, Pershing Important Battles Stopping Germany: Cantigny & Belleau Wood Counter-offensive: St. Mihiel (1st organized air strikes) and the Meuse-Argonne Campaign (1.2 M Americans) Heroes in an Anonymous War Armistice Casualties / Results

29 World War I Air Power Billy Mitchell

30 Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial in France:
130.5 acres, largest number of American military dead in Europe, a total of 14,246.

31 America at War “Losing” the Peace 14 Points get whittled down
Treaty of Versailles Wilson’s mistakes Elements of the treaty League of Nations The fight for ratification

32 America at War Paying the Piper Treatment of Germany
Treatment of Russia U.S. renouncement of Treaty and League Vietnam ramifications

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