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Reasons for European Exploration

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1 Reasons for European Exploration

2 European Exploration: AIM: Students will understand what changes were happening in western Europe and how this motivated European exploration. Do Now - Write down 2 reasons you think that European Exploration occurred.

3 Agenda/ Do Now Answer 1) Religion – Crusades, decline in church authority, reformation. 2) Society - Growth of the strength of the monarch, commerce, and population. 3) The Renaissance 4) Sailing technology improvements


5 Social Order European – society based on social rank. 1) Monarch 2) Nobles 3) Artisans and Merchants 4) Peasants (majority) Nuclear family – European family centered around mother, father, and children Gender – determines jobs: Men tend to livestock, and farms. Women raise children, household labor, and help in fields.

6 European social order vs. Native American social order. 1)Family
With a partner Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between European social order vs. Native American social order. 1)Family 2)Hierarchy 3)Gender Roles

7 The Crusades Spark Curiosity
Crusades – Series of military expeditions to the Middle East in the name of Christianity 1) open eyes to world outside Europe, increased trade with Middle East Spices, sugar, silk, carpets, fruits, perfumes 2) Failed to get “Holy Land” but monarchs gained power as the nobility lost power.

8 Decline in church authority
There were power struggles between the church and European kings Church reform takes place Reformation – divided Christianity in Western Europe between Catholicism and Protestantism. 1) Eventually newly formed protestant sects across the Atlantic for religious freedom and spread beliefs

9 The Renaissance THE RENAISSANCE – a new spirit of inquiry and belief in humans’ potential. 1) Spread of knowledge through the PRINTING PRESS. 2) Advancement in art, math, science, and philosophy. 3)This attitude lead many to seek glory through adventure, discovery, and conquest.

10 The Age of Exploration Begins
Desire to explore Rulers want to increase power and wealth Marco Polo travels to China and writes “Travels” Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal funds voyages to find sea route to India Better sailing technology Caravel, astrolabe, improved magnetic compass

11 Technology Caravel – Ship was lighter, swifter, and more maneuverable than other ships Astrolabe - instrument formerly used to make astronomical measurements, in navigation for calculating latitude Compass – North, South, East, West

12 Searching for a Sea Route to India
Overland trip too long Progress is made w/ courageous explorers from Portugal Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope Vasco da Gama lands on Indian coast “IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY, TRY AGAIN”


14 Talk to your neighbor: What motivated European exploration and what new technology made it possible?

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