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The Race to the New World Begins

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1 The Race to the New World Begins

2 The Catalyst: Marco Polo
His stories became legends which drove people to FIND A WATER ROUTE TO ASIA

3 Discovery of the New World = Driven by Trade
Therefore: Goal was to discover a water route to Asia

4 And so it begins… Portugal & Prince Henry the Navigator
Developed the caravel January 1488, Bartolomeo Dias reached southern tip of Africa. In 1498, Vasco da Gama followed Dias’ route. The first all-water route to Asia = success

5 Oct. 12th 1492: Christopher Columbus “discovers” America (?)
Italian sailor Approached the king of ____________ first Finally got permission (and money) from Ferdinand and Isabella Made some mistakes… Arrived in the Bahamas on October 12th, 1492…location, San Salvador

6 …or was it???

7 Despite numerous return trips Columbus is never convinced he discovered new continents
So, Portugal attempted to get to the Orient by going East Spain attempted to get to the Orient by going West The race for the treasures of the Far East and the New World is on…

8 Let’s Review 1. In what way was the caravel an improvement over earlier ships? 2. Why did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella support Columbus? 3. How did Columbus’s voyages change the way Europeans looked at the world?

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