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The Mandatory Advising Program: KEY Advising Milestones

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Presentation on theme: "The Mandatory Advising Program: KEY Advising Milestones"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mandatory Advising Program: KEY Advising Milestones

2 Objectives We’ll address these questions:
WHAT is the Mandatory Advising Program? WHY is advising mandatory and what are we trying to accomplish with this program? WHEN are students required to meet with an advisor? HOW does advising work for each advising point?

3 Resources for MAP UAAC Canvas Course Colleagues
MAP Advising Basics Manual PeopleSoft Training PeopleSoft for Mandatory Advising Manual Colleagues s from Director & Asst Director of MAP: Martina Stewart & Jon Diaz in AAC

4 PeopleSoft for MAP Advisors need access to: 1. The ADVSRVW Operator Class 2. The MANDADV Operator Class 3. Service Indicators SRVCIND for Mandatory Advising If you don’t have access to the above, contact Sean Crouch,

5 Small Group Discussion
What was your advising experience like as a student? Who do you go to for advice now? Why? How do these things impact your advising style?

6 WHAT is the Mandatory Advising Program?
A program that requires undergraduates to meet with an advisor at key points throughout their undergraduate experience Students are not able to register for classes unless they meet with an advisor (registration holds are placed in PeopleSoft).

7 Why is advising mandatory?
Students don’t have time for optional! (Carol Twigg) Advising and retention/graduation To connect students to advisors early in their undergraduate experience at key points on their way to graduation to help them develop a rich and holistic degree.

8 WHEN are students required to meet with an advisor?
Purpose: Connect students with advisors at key points in their undergraduate experience. First Year Milestone Advising Second Year Milestone Advising Undeclared Student Advising

9 First Year Milestone Advising : Learning Outcomes
Student can generate a degree audit. Student can interpret a Degree Audit. Student builds an appropriate class schedule. Department/Major Learning Outcome Advisor Goal/Learning Outcome

10 First Year Milestone Advising: Logistics
Student Selection All first term students admitted as freshmen (regardless of credit hour count) will be selected for mandatory first year advising Summer and Fall starters are selected in September; Spring starters in March

11 First Year Milestone Advising: Timeline
September 24th Students are selected for advising (service indicators in PeopleSoft) is sent to students informing them of hold Hold becomes active in PeopleSoft September 24th -November Advise students & take necessary actions in PeopleSoft November 5th at 7am Early registration for 1000 & level courses first year students begins. Registration Day Event!

12 First Year Milestone Advising: Logistics
Collaboration and Marketing Efforts Orientation and Parent Orientation Advertising with Housing and Residential Education Banners Planner Writing Program flyers LEAP/Block U collaboration s throughout the semester

13 First Year Milestone Advising: Logistics
to Students: Links to website with more information about MAP Instructs them who they should meet with for First Year Milestone Advising Students informed that by meeting with their advisor by Nov. 2nd, they will have early access to courses

14 First Year Milestone Advising: Logistics
Departmental Advisors Academic Advising Center Advisors Honors CESA, TRiO, Beacon Scholars

15 First Year Milestone Advising:Logistics
First Year students have both a Positive and a Negative Service Indicator in PeopleSoft How to remove the hold and give a student priority registration

16 Second Year Milestone Advising: Learning Outcomes
Student knows how to connect to their major advisor Student knows how to declare their major Student understands curriculum and requirements for graduation Student understands how to get information about options and resources to enhance their undergraduate experience Student understands the value of co-curricular experiences

17 Second Year Milestone Advising: Logistics
Student Selection Students enrolled fall semester with 2 or 3 prior terms of enrollment and 90 or fewer credit hours Students have a on their record Notifying Students: Students are sent s every month from November – March Hold is placed in March if student has not met with an advisor by March 1st.

18 Second Year Milestone Advising: Timeline
November 15th Students are selected for advising (positive service indicator in PeopleSoft) is sent to students informing them of advising requirement November-March 1st Students meet with an advisor by March 1st to avoid a registration hold March 4th If a student has not met with an advisor by March 1st (as determined by a “MAP 2nd Yr” meeting in the Advisor Meeting Panel in PeopleSoft) a registration hold is placed on the students record

19 Second Year Milestone Advising: Action Plan
Student Actions Students identify and meet with an advisor in their major department or Academic Advising Center if undecided on a major In addition, HONORS students are required to meet with an Honors Advisor Students encouraged to run a Degree Audit and generate questions for appointment. Advisor Actions Advise student on declaring major, schedule planning, enhancing the undergraduate experience. Mark the “MAP 2nd Yr” meeting in the Advisor Meeting Panel and make notes about your appointment with the student If hold has been placed, remove the hold

20 Second Year Milestone Advising Program
What might be some differences between a first year and second year student? What might be some primary concerns for each group? What topics might be important to discuss with each group of students? What advising strategies might be effective for these two groups of students?

21 Undeclared Advising: Purpose
Motivate students to move forward in attaining their degree goals. The 60 Credit Undeclared hold requires students to either: Declare A Major OR Initiate the Major Exploration Process

22 Undeclared Advising: Logistics
Who is Selected? Students with 60+ credit hours and at least 2 prior terms of enrollment who are undeclared in Spring semester. sent February 4th Registration Hold

23 Working With Undeclared Students
Academic Advising Center Engage students in the major exploration process UGS/LEAP 1050 Major Exploration Departmental Advising Declare the student as pre-, intermediate or full major in CIS Mark the “MAP Undecl” meeting type and make notes Remove hold

24 Working With Undeclared Students
How would you interact with a student who is considering a major in your department but is not totally decided? What types of questions would you ask? What resources might be helpful for this student?

25 Working With Undeclared Students
Helpful Information For Exploratory Students What is a general overview of the major? What class or classes would be a good introduction to this major? What types of skills can students develop as they complete this major? What kind of campus activities or student organizations on campus relate to this major? What types of internships are available to students in this major? What kinds of careers are possible with this major after graduation?

26 Thank you for attending today!
MAP Website Thank you for attending today! The MAP Committee

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