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Monday, December 6, 2016 Your Learning Goal: Students will test and analyze several different parachutes to determine the best one. Table of Contents:

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, December 6, 2016 Your Learning Goal: Students will test and analyze several different parachutes to determine the best one. Table of Contents:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, December 6, 2016 Your Learning Goal: Students will test and analyze several different parachutes to determine the best one. Table of Contents: Parachute Lab* - 25R Pre-Write (25L): When would scientists need to use parachutes or protective coverings in real life? Homework: Word Wall Thursday Agenda: Do-Now Parachute Lab Reflection

2 Date Assignment Pg # 11/10/16 What Causes & Prevents Motion? 19R
Table of Contents Date Assignment Pg # 11/10/ What Causes & Prevents Motion? R 11/15/ Forces Everywhere! * R 11/17/ Combining Force Vectors * R 11/28/16 Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces R 12/1/16 How does Mass effect Force? R 12/1/ Forces Trackstar * R 12/6/ Parachute Lab * R

3 25L 25R Parachute Lab Catalyst
12/5/16 Parachute Lab Catalyst When would scientists need to use parachutes or protective coverings in real life? Why? 12/5/16 Parachute Lab 25L 25R

4 The Problem … SpaceX (an aerospace engineering company) is having trouble with their rockets. After successful launches, their rockets descend back to the surface too quickly and break apart upon landing. They need your help designing a parachute that will help the rockets fall more slowly, and insulation on the rocket to help protect the rocket when it hits the ground.

5 Which type of parachute will fall the slowest?
Today’s Focus: Which type of parachute will fall the slowest? Shape? Size? Amount?

6 Testing Each group will be in charge of collecting different data for the class: Shape Circular Triangular Square Size Small (diameter 15 cm) Big (diameter 30 cm) Amount 1 2 3

7 Materials: Plastic grocery bag String Scissors Ruler Washers Tape
Markers Timer

8 Who’s Doing What? Shape Triangle (length = 30cm)  Group 1
Circle (diameter = 30cm)  Group 2 Square (length = 30cm)  Group 3 Size Small Circle (length = 15cm)  Group 4 Small Triangle (length = 15cm)  Group 5 Amount 2 Small Square (length = 15cm)  Group 6 3 Small Squares (length = 15cm)  Group 7

9 Procedures Cut one side away from the grocery bag so that you have a flat piece. Use a marker to draw the parachute you were assigned. Use scissors to cut out the parachute. Use the scissors to make a hole at each corner of the parachute. (Use 4 evenly spaced holes if you are making the circular parachute.) Cut as many pieces of string as you need for each hole made in step 4. Make sure the pieces are the same length. Thread one end of each string through each hole of your parachute and tie securely. You may want to place a small piece of tape over the hole for reinforcement. Tie the other end of each string to the washers .

10 Group Data

11 Rules for Testing Assigned Jobs Timer/Recorder Stay Quiet!
Dropper Stay Quiet! No yelling, or talking loudly! Only the Droppers will be upstairs. You have 15 minutes to get all your data!

12 How to calculate an Average
Average (mean) = sum of results # of trials

13 Let’s Share Our Data!

14 Reflection Draw a diagram with vectors to show the forces acting on your parachute while it’s falling. Draw a diagram with vectors to show the forces acting on your parachute when it lands on the ground. Explain if there were any problems that may have interfered (messed with) with the experiment. What would you do differently next time to improve the experiment? 25L

15 25L 25R Parachute Lab Catalyst Reflection Parachute Lab 12/5/16
When would scientists need to use parachutes or protective coverings in real life? Why? Reflection Draw a diagram with vectors to show the forces acting on your parachute while it’s falling. Draw a diagram with vectors to show the forces acting on your parachute when it lands on the ground. Explain if there were any problems that may have interfered (messed with) with the experiment. What would you do differently next time to improve the experiment? 12/5/16 Parachute Lab 25L 25R

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