Some Corporate Political Philosophies and Methodologies

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1 Some Corporate Political Philosophies and Methodologies
For class discussion during the CIE Course

2 Option #1 Successful corporate political skill is the ability to influence and manipulate potential allies and opponents through the skilled use of creating the appearance, real or imagined, that what you are proposing is in the best of interest of their career progression.

3 Option #2 Successful corporate political skill is the ability to see a business opportunity from the viewpoint of a potential ally or opponent, recognizing that this other person may have a legitimate, but very different agenda for creating value for the company. Then build a relationship focused on creating win- win enhancements to achieve all (or most of) the goals of these different agendas.

4 Option #3 Successful corporate politics is the art of creating coalitions among the key influencers in the corporation in such a way that you ensure you are in the prevailing coalition on the issues of most importance to you and your career.

5 Option #4 Successful corporate politics is the ability to successfully build political capital by creating the appearance that your initiatives will best achieve the personal and political goals of the CEO. Then, it is the judicious use of this political capital to most optimally create advancement opportunities for your department (funding increases and increased headcount) and your personal career.

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