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Conflict in the Middle East

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1 Conflict in the Middle East
What is the cause of the ongoing problems in Israel & Palestine?

2 Establishment of Israel
Zionism called for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine British come up with Balfour Declaration which divided Palestine between Jews & Palestinians but WWII puts it on hold 1947: UN approves a plan to divide Palestine into two nations #1 Palestine = Arab State #2 Israel = Jewish State. Jerusalem controlled by UN Palestinians & other Arab states object May 1948: Israel declares statehood and takes their territory Six Arab nations declare war on Israel Israel wins Arab-Israeli War, takes most Palestinian land, Egypt/Jordan take rest Many Palestinians forced out of Israel many head to Jordan & Egypt

3 Israel & the Cold War – Suez Canal Crisis
1954: Gamel Abdel Nasser controls Egypt 1956: Nasser seizes British-controlled Suez Canal Britain, France, Israel take back the canal & then occupy parts of Egypt – Nasser turns to the UN Soviets say this is an example of western imperialism, Nasser seeks alliance with USSR UN Security Council gives Egypt canal & land back (US abstains)

4 Six Day & Yom Kippur Wars
Golda Meir is PM of Israel, Nasser leads Egypt & Arab neighbors against Israel in Six-Day War (1967), Israel wins takes more land 1972: Palestinian group kidnaps & kills Israeli athletes at Olympics 1973: Egypt & Syria attack Israel during Yom Kippur War, US aids Israel. OPEC puts an oil embargo on US because of support of Israel Mid 70s: Yasir Arafat & Palestinians form the PLO, use intifada to get their homeland of Palestine back Intifada includes non-violent methods to protest but also uses Soviet made weapons to attack Israel. Israel responds by bombing Pal. towns

5 Analyzing Primary Sources, pg 586 Seat 1 & 3 – Read Palestinian view answer 1-4 Seat 2 & 4 – Read Israeli view answer 5-8 What does Palestinian writer Fawaz Turki say about Palestinian land? What does he say Israel has done to their property? What have they done to the people and what does he compare this to? Why does Israeli General Abraham Tamir feel Israel must control Palestinian land? Why does he feel Israel must defend itself? What is Israel’s security policy? Which side do you agree with and why? What would be your solution to the problem?

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