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Science ideas I need to know

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1 Science ideas I need to know
Physics Year 10 Forces and Motion Science ideas I need to know Start of Unit End of Unit I know this I know some of this I need to learn this I know this Understand the different types of motion Appreciate the existence of errors in measurements and understand how these may be reduced by taking the average of a number of readings. Know the meaning of the terms speed and acceleration. Show how motion can be represented by graphs. Understand the relationships between distance, time, speed and acceleration and appreciate how graphs may be used to display these relationships. Know how distances travelled can be calculated from the area under a speed-time graph. Understand the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces Know that force is measured in Newtons. Know that unbalanced forces change motion and that in the absence of an unbalanced force an object will either remain at rest or travel with a constant velocity. Appreciate that friction often provides opposing force acting on moving bodies. Know the relationship between force, mass and acceleration given by the equation F = ma Appreciate the distinction between mass and weight. Appreciate that gravity is a force which acts between bodies even though they are not in contact. Know that the Earth is the source of a gravitational field. Appreciate the links between forces and energy. Understand the meaning of the term kinetic energy

2 Science ideas I need to know
Physics Year 10 Electricity Science ideas I need to know Start of Unit End of Unit I know this I know some of this I need to learn this I know this Understand the effects and uses of conductors and insulators Appreciate that conductors allow the flow of current through them and insulators prevent the flow of current through them. Understand the properties of simple electric circuits and the need for a complete circuit when making use of electricity. Appreciate that energy can be transferred by an electric current and that the current can be read by an ammeter. Explain how ammeters are used in circuits and what they measure. Appreciate that electric charge produced by friction is the same charge that produces an electric current moving around a circuit Be aware of the dangers of electricity and state the hazards of poor insulation, overloading and damp conditions. Apply the idea of voltage numerically to circuits and apply correctly the term potential difference. Understand that the ‘voltage’ of an electrical supply is a measure of the energy it can transfer from an electrical supply elsewhere and that it can be measured with a voltmeter. Explain how voltmeters are used in circuits and what they measure. Use the relationship: power = voltage x current Understand the meaning of the term electrical resistance and know that the resistance of a component (in ohms) = voltage across component / current through component Understand the way electric currents and magnetic fields interact Know that magnetic materials have the ability to attract some materials but to attract and repel each other. Understand the meaning of the term magnetic field and know that the Earth is surrounded by one. Know that forces can act on an electric current when in a magnetic field.

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