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Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements – October to December
Presentation Outline 1. Purpose 2. Background
3. 3rd Quarter performance Report 4. Current Interventions 5. Conclusion
The presentation serves to; Appraise the Portfolio Committee on progress relating to implementation of HSDG for Limpopo Province. Highlight the recovery plan & the New Path Plan the department has embarked on and, Outline the impact of the plan on performance thus far. To share Provincial Department state of readiness for 2018/19 FY To present a progress report on Title Deeds Programme
Background The HSDG Budget allocation for 2017/18 financial year was R1, A roll over budget of R86, 968, 000 was approved thus making the total budget to be R1,406, 461, 000. The National Department has since taken away from the province R150m and the remaining budget is R1, 256, 461, 000 With this allocated budget, the department is expected to deliver 9956 housing units and 5151 serviced sites as per the approved Business Plan. The rollover budget of R86,968,000 accounts for 939 housing units. The total target for housing units for the current financial year is 10895
Background cnt… During previous engagement with portfolio committee in September 2017 expenditure was at R Which was 39% and performance delivery sites and 5487 units As at 31 December 2017 expenditure was R746,065,000 translating to 59% According Nat Dept figures of January 31st 2018, the Province performance was at 80% in terms of sites and units with an expenditure of 67% . This performance does not include the rolled over target of 939. Expenditure as at the 8th of March 2018 was R1,087,263, translating to 86.5% of the available budget, therefore the department still has R169,197, to spend. On the 26th of March 2018 Dept will remit R150m to HDA and the balance of R towards payments to Dept contractors
3rd Quarter Performance Report
Key challenges leading to poor performance
The following are challenges that the department was faced with: Establishing a flawed contractor database with no bias towards built industry prescripts Late appointment of service providers Late approval of developmental areas Contractor to contractor cessions leading to poor performance None Application of consequence management for none performance of contractors Poor Contract Management & Planning(Geotechs & Beneficiary Management) Low staff moral resulting from abrupt staff movement and poor communication Senior management operating in silos
Progress on Recovery Plan
Our presentation on progress made thus far for quarter three will account for targets in the APP and the approved Business plan for HSDG Facilitating Increase in Expenditure on the HSDG One On One Meetings with Contractors The Office of the HOD convened meetings with high performing ,average as well as poor performing contractors to agree with them on fast tracking completions of units and increasing productivity Assessing Contractor’s Performance An assessment and categorization of the currently appointed contractors was undertaken and termination on none performing contractors was undertaken and letters for none performance were respectively issued Contract Management meetings The HoD chairs the committee and continues to hold regular meetings with the Senior Management every week in order to assess progress and map out intervention measures on ISHS poor performing contractors Provision of Additional Capacity & Support to Specific Directorates Additional capacity was sought from HDA in order to assist the Dept with planning and project pipelining this includes a town planner a land legal person, a civil engineer and a town planner
Progress on Recovery plan cnt…
HDA’S Contribution to the Recovery Plan HDA is currently implementing several projects on behalf of the Department. A session was held where it was agreed that HAD should accelerate delivery on those projects HDA’S Implementation Plan on 5000 units They were also requested to appoint 5 high capacity contractors for units 5 high capacity contractors have since been appointed. Two of them have assumed site and have already casted 72 foundations Two other contractors will take site soon. The fifth contractor has since turned down the earlier appointment. had is finalizing the appointment process to replace the contractor. HDA was requested to table its implementation plan of 5000 units by its contractors in a management meeting held on the 12th of October 2017 and has submitted a detailed implementation plan
Performance report for 3rd quarter
October November December Totals Planned Sites & Units 1347 1999 374 3720 Actual Deliveries 1002 1526 776 3304 Variance (345) (473) 402 (416) Planned Exp R m R m R36 994m R m Actual Exp R82 766m R95 205m R97 590m R m Difference (R42 358m) (R87 512m) R60 596m (R69 274m)
Performance report for 3rd quarter cnt…
Progress Report on Sites Total sites planned for delivery in October =450 : Actual sites delivered = 80 Total sites Planned for delivery in November = : Actual sites delivered = 369 Total sites planned for delivery in December = : Actual sites delivered = 321 Grand Total number of sites planned to be delivered during Quarter 3 = 1165 sites Grand Total number of sites delivered during Quarter 3 = 770 sites Progress Report on Units Total no. of units planned for delivery in October =897 : Actual deliveries =922 Total no. of units planned for delivery in November =1284 : Actuals deliveries =1157 Total no. of units planned for delivery in December =374 : Actual deliveries =455 Grand total no. of units planned to be delivered in Q3 = 2555 Units Grand total no. of units delivered during Q3 = 2534 Units Total target for sites & units for Q3 = 3720 :Total sites & units delivered for Q3 = 3304 Total target for sites & units not delivered for Q3 = 416
Work in progress during 3rd quarter
Work In Progress Quarter 3 Programme Foundations Wall Plates 15/16 Rural Housing 5 21 16/17 Rural Housing 278 362 17/18 Rural Housing A 400 500 17/18 Rural Housing B 140 62 17/18 Rural Housing C 1 15/16 Disaster Housing 6 3 16/17 Disaster Housing 2 10 16/17 Rectifications 42 44 15/16 Military Veterans 19 11 Total 893 1013 NO. OF CONTRACTORS APPOINTED NO. OF UNITS APPOINTED FOR 18 2002 72 6000
Progress for 3rd quarter - APP
Sub- Programme Indicator Target Actual Reason for Variance 2.1 Housing needs, research & Planning 1. A multi year development plan/APP developed by October Reviewed multi year development plan/APP developed by October Delay in appointment of service to date inception report has been presented and the service provider is collecting data throughout the municipalities in order to finalise review of the MYHDP. 1st draft reviewed on the 6th December Final submission will done during Quarter 4 3. Number of hectares of land acquired 40ha Delay in appointing land task team. Land task team appointed in November Process to acquire land should be finalized during 4th quarter. 5. Number of municipalities accredited on human settlement provision Conduct capacity assessment for 5 municipalities Conducted capacity assessments in 3 municipalities Fetakgomo-Tubatse local municipality could not be recommended for level one accreditation due majority of councils strategic documents not in place as the municipality is still in the amalgamation processes. Greater Tzaneen Municipality is in the process of preparing Business Plan for assessment by HDA 6. Number of beneficiaries exposed to consumer education 1020 900 Low turnout of beneficiaries due to non- cooperation by some of the municipalities to mobilise existing and potential consumers
Progress for 3rd quarter – APP cnt…
Sub- Programme Indicator Target Actual Reason for Variance 2.1 Housing needs, research & Planning 5. Number of municipalities accredited on human settlement provision Conduct capacity assessment for 5 municipalities Conducted capacity assessments in 3 municipalities Fetakgomo-Tubatse local municipality could not be recommended for level one accreditation due majority of councils strategic documents not in place as the municipality is still in the amalgamation processes. Greater Tzaneen Municipality is in the process of preparing Business Plan for assessment by HDA 6. Number of beneficiaries exposed to consumer education 1020 900 Low turnout of beneficiaries due to non-cooperation by some of the municipalities to mobilise existing and potential consumers
Progress for 3rd quarter – APP cnt…
Sub- Programme Indicator Target Actual Reason for Variance 2.2 Housing Development, Implementation & Planning Number of households connected to basic services as part of the informal Settlements Upgrading Programme 1990 878 Under performance by some of the Service Providers No. of Housing stock/RDP rectified 123 67 Under performance by some of the contractors No. of rental units built (CRU) and (SH) 100 The amendment of the JBCC contract is currently underway. A letter will being issued to the contractor and a deed of amendment has been prepared No. of new sites connected to basic water and sanitation services as part of the IRDP 300 Delay in commencement due to change of development areas, some municipalities did not submit the development areas on time such as Thabazimbi No. of EPHP units completed 20
Progress for 3rd quarter –APP cnt…
Sub- Programme Indicator Target Actual Reason for Variance 2.3 Housing Asset management & Property Management No. of units Registered and Endorsed 2268 423 Some of the approved beneficiaries untraceable Number of units transferred through the Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme 60 Municipalities are reluctant to sign the clearance certificates on properties. However cooperation has been received from Mogalakwena & Lepelle- Nkumpi municipalities Number of rental units devolved to municipalities in terms of section 15 of the Housing Act,97 1 Delay in the process of devolvement of rental units due to public works not releasing properties. Five rentals units have been identified – awaiting approval. Number of job opportunities created 2400 546 Under performance by some of the contractors No. of financial-linked individual subsidy programme (FLISP) units completed 140 Applicants failing National Credit Act requirements to access financing from mortgage providers
Interventions during 3rd quarter
Meetings arranged with affected municipalities and a follow up to get the clearance certificate signed Ward councillors and committees are assisting in tracing approved beneficiaries, and announcement’s to be presented in three languages on the radio. Meetings are arranged with affected municipalities to confirm the status of signing of transfer documents to be submitted to state attorney Ongoing engagements with contractors especially poor performers
Progress on Military Veterans programme for 3rd quarter
Backlog is 411 The Annual target for 2017/18 is 200 units. : Delivery is 3 units. Challenges There has been gross under performance on the programme in the financial year that has seen only 3 units delivered in the financial year. This has been largely attributed to economic viability of constructing 75m2 which was demanded by the beneficiaries instead of the 50m2 national norm. The province acceded to the demands of the Military Veterans at that time. Interventions A MINMEC decision was taken for provinces to revert back to 50m2 as prescribed by national policy. A Ministerial directive was issued to all provinces to upscale delivery and comply with policy on 50m2 house. The Executing Authority has since rescinded the decision of 75m2. HDA was informed of this decision as the implementing agent.
Progress on Mining Towns programme for 3rd quarter
4 Areas identified namely: Elias Motsoaledi, Fetakgomo-Tubatse 476 Thabazimbi, and, Lephalale. Challenges Elias Motsoaledi and Fetakgomo- Tubatse do not have projects on serviced sited due to process of upgrading informal settlements still underway. The delay is as a result of authorisations from different departments e.g, LEDET with environmental Record of decision (ROD). Thabazimbi returned allocation of units as a result of not having development areas. Interventions Service providers are appointed to formalise informal settlements and do township proclamation. 2 service providers are appointed for formalisation and contracts are in force up to end of financial year. Sites are serviced in Thabazimbi in order to construct top structure.
Current Interventions
Phase 2 of Strategic Intervention Plan
While implementing the recovery plan a further assessment on factors militating against the Provincial Department was done this was followed by a two day strategic plan session on the 23rd and 24th January 2018, which focused on finding solutions and this resulted in adoption of the following strategic goals: A new multi-layered database of contractors to be established incorporating CIDB Grading & NHBRC Registration to this effect terms of reference have been developed and BAC has assessed the ToR. Advertisement to be done before end of the current financial year. The Department has started terminating non performing contractors as fourteen non performing contractors were terminated. Twelve contractors have since been appointed to deliver 782 units left terminated contractors. Due to continuous assessment of contractor performance, the second batch of terminations is currently underway The department is in the process of introduction performance reduction matrix and delivery schedule as a standard addendum to the current Department contract continuous contract reviews as part of tightening contract management
Phase 2 of Strategic Intervention Plan cnt…
As part of strengthening the Department’s efficiency staff reconfiguration process would be undertaken and this will result in some officials being moved from the current districts to new districts and municipalities. Appointment of service providers to be linked with the financial year as oppose to shorter terms Re-constitution of supply chain committees will be finalized by 15th March as part of the department’s renewal . The department will make sure that with effect from 2018/19 financial year, development areas are approved for a period of five years and council resolutions are also taken.
Phase 2 Strategic Intervention Plan cnt…
Rollout of the Electronic Management System (EPMS) for effective and efficient project management would be done by the 31st March 2018. From the 1st February 2018 contractor to contractor cessions are no longer accepted unless they are material supply related and are approved by the Department. The department is now allowing only 50% of geotechnical to be paid at foundation phase and the balance would be paid on completion of a housing structure. A project planning cycle to commence in April and be completed in August every year. This will ensure that there is enough time to develop a credible business plan e.g. start planning now for 19/20 financial year.
Progress on phase 2 Intervention Plan
Resolution Champion Due Date Review Progress in June 3 4 1 2 Progress Establishment of new multilayered contractor database ISHS:DDG, CFO 31-Mar-18 Now at BAC stage Performance evaluation of all contractors and implementation of the resolution outcomes ISHS:DDG, D:R&C 31-Jan-18 Commenced in Feb 18 Introduction of a target reduction plan and delivery schedule as a standard addendum to the current contracts This would be done by end of March 2018 Conduct quarterly contract reviews Ongoing Currently underway Contractor appointments to be aligned to the financial year ISHS:DDG, CFO, HOD A process for alignment currently underway Implementation of electronic project management system ISHS:DDG This would be implemented by 1/04/2018 Abolish contractor to contractor cessions 31 March 18 Profiling of contractors with cessions underway
Progress on phase 2 intervention Plan cnt…
50% of geotechnical allowance would be paid at foundation phase and the balance would be paid on completion ISHS:DDG, CFO 1-Apr-18 A submission is being to the contractor once approved contract amendment would be done Conduct investigations on reports of corruption and unethical behavior by some officials HOD 30 March-18 HOD to engage DPSA to assist with an official to test allegations Reconfiguration of ISHS and deployment process 1-Mar-18 A submission has prepared for the HOD Approval of developmental areas for 5 years ISHS:DDG 1st May 18 A consultation process to ensure before the end of March 2018 TORs and advertising for appointment of service providers 1-Feb-18 Underway
Progress on phase 2 Intervention Plan cnt…
Finalization of 2018/19 draft business plan ISHS:DDG 4-Feb-18 Completed & supporting documents submitted HSP&MS Chief director to ensure synergy in all planning activities including those handled by HAD HSP&MS:CD 31-Mar-18 Process underway Meeting of key stakeholders HOD 15-Mar-18 HOD continues to engage Analysis of Marapong CRU and Bendor x100 contracts 1-March 18 HOD is meeting with the External legal expert on the 14th March to discuss preliminaries on the two matters TORs and advertising for appointment of service providers for provision of engineering services 1-Feb-18 Completed Tender closed during 1st week of March 2018
Impact on Interventions from 3rd quarter –non financial
Terminations resulted in the remaining contractors improving their performance as indicated by the figures below; The third quarter performance improved from 67% to 89% resulting in the cumulative performance to be 81% as at the end of the third quarter that dropped slightly to 80% as at the end of January 2018. Whilst the fourth quarter performance is currently at 55% and cumulatively 75% there is work in progress to the tune of 1880 foundations, 1440 wallplates and 1029 sites that are projected to be realized by the end of the financial year. Target Delivery % Cumulative target Cumulative Target Q1 2785 2662 96% Q2 4708 3168 67% 7493 5830 78% Q3 3720 3304 89% 11213 9134 81% Q4* 3894 2161 55% 15107 11295 75% Total * as at 6 March
Impact on Intervention from 3rd quarter – financials
Budget R’000 Expenditure R’000 % Cumulative Budget R’000 Cumulative Expenditure R’000 Q1 312,764.00 182,036.00 58% Q2 378,997.00 288,468.00 76% 691,761.00 470,504.00 68% Q3 344,835.00 275,561.00 80% 1,036,596.00 746,065.00 72% Q4* 219,865.00 341,199.00 155% 1,256,461.00 1,087,264.00 87% Total * as at 8 March In line with the physical delivery in the 3rd quarter, the financial delivery also followed suite with an increase from 76% to 80% resulting in the cumulative increase to 72%. As at the 8th of March the expenditure was at 87% and with the above work in progress, the province is projected to spend the remaining budget.
Contractor profiling Group No. of Contractors Contract Star Contract End incl. ext. No. of Months Impl. Initial Allocation Delivery 16/17 FY Delivery 17/18 FY Balance Cum. Delivery Rate/Cont./Month Reduc. Term. Extn. 16/17 FY Rural 78 Aug-16 Feb-18 19 7812 2233 4379 1200 6612 4 R=26 T=14 17/18 FY Rural A 15 May-17 May-18 10 4037 2560 1477 17 R=4 E=15 17/18 FY Rural B 13 Oct-17 5 2002 157 1845 2 E=13 17/18 FY Rural C 72 Nov-17 6000 47 5953 E=72 Total 19851 7143 10475 9376 NB: Please note the extensions for the above contractors are of varying nature; some entailed reduction of units and some others have suspensive conditions of termination in the event of non performance
Contractor profiling - WIP
WIP Item Programme F W U/T Sites 1 2016/17 Rural 292 281 633 2 2017/18 (15) Rural 329 507 603 3 2016/17 Blocked 35 30 74 4 2015/16/17 Disaster 5 2017/18 (72) Rural 859 287 4795 6 2017/18 (13) Rural 365 335 1125 7 2015/16 Rural 8 2016/17 EPHP 9 Military Veterans 10 HDA Rural 72 4928 11 CRU 250 12 2016/17/18 Services 1082 19 TOTAL 1880 1512 12408
Implications on 2018/19 Performance
The implications of the previous slide is that the Department would begin 2018/19 with continuous delivery of units as the majority of contractors are already at construction stage If we continue with the tight controls on contractors, we expect full HSDG expenditure in 2018/19 would be realised. Appointment for the incomplete milestones of the 2016/17 FY has been completed. The Department continue to apply consequential management as well as contract management The Department has entered into a performance based contract with HDA on implementation of 5000 units and current more than 4500 beneficiaries have been approval on the HSS. This further serves as assurance that the Province will be able to meet its annual targets for 2018/19 We
The Portfolio committee should note:
Conclusion The Portfolio committee should note: challenges the department was faced with and the interventions progress made since the last engagement with the Department control measures put in place towards ensuring delivery of 5000 units by the HDA and other contractors 2nd phase intervention plan and progress thus far and that review of this plan would be done in June 2018
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