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A THERMOMETER Guzzler sees a large thermometer in the park.

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Presentation on theme: "A THERMOMETER Guzzler sees a large thermometer in the park."— Presentation transcript:

1 A THERMOMETER Guzzler sees a large thermometer in the park. Help Guzzler to discover how a thermometer works to measure hot and cold temperatures.

Questions to prompt discussion: Do you remember when Guzzler went to the beach? Do you remember when Guzzler was in the snow? What is the difference between the two places? How do we know that one is hot and the other is cold? Is there any way of measuring how hot or cold it is? Can anyone think of an instrument or a tool that we use to tell us whether the temperature is hot or cold? Prompt: A thermometer

3 Activity type: Observation
In this part of the lesson, the children observe a thermometer. Show the children a large thermometer and allow them time to observe it. Children discuss their observations of the thermometer. Questions to promote discussion: 1 Do you know what this is called? 2 What colour is the thermometer? 3 What is written on it? 4 What can you see inside it? 5 What colour is the material? 6 What else can you say about the thermometer? 7 Can you read the word thermometer? Allow children to point to specific numbers as teacher explains how the thermometer works to read temperature: The hotter something is (the higher the temperature) the higher the liquid inside the thermometer moves upwards. The colder something is (the lower the temperature) the lower the liquid inside the thermometer falls downwards.

4 COLD TEMPERATURE What do you think would happen if we put the thermometer in a cold place? Allow children to point to where they think the temperature will read. Go to the next slide to see the reading.


6 40 20 COLD TEMPERATURE Were you correct? Why is the reading so low?

7 40 20 HOT TEMPERATURE What do you think would happen if we put the thermometer in a hot place? Allow children to point to where they think the temperature will read. Go to the next slide to see the correct reading.

8 40 20 HOT TEMPERATURE Were you correct? Why is the reading so high?

9 Four scenarios - sort from the hottest to the coldest
Elicit information from the children as to how they know 1 is hottest and 4 is coldest. 1. Desert 2. Sea 3. Rain 4. Snow Allow for debate - rain does not mean that the temperature is cold but judging by the winter clothes and the night sky, we assume that the temperature is cold - but not as cold as the snow scene. - there are two sunny pictures but the sea breeze causes temperature to be less hot.

10 Were you correct? Do you agree / disagree with the order? Why?

11 Match the thermometer to the weather temperature.
Based on the previous activity, children will understand the concept of hottest to coldest and will match the thermometers to the images accordingly.

12 Were you correct? Do you agree / disagree with the matches? Why?

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