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The Time Is NOW! But….Where do I start??.

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Presentation on theme: "The Time Is NOW! But….Where do I start??."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Time Is NOW! But….Where do I start??

2 Bookmark:
Tutoring and academic support services are FREE and open to all students SASC Academic Support Services TUTORING: Scheduled Most 100/200 level courses Small groups Walk – In EGR MTH & STATS CHM BMS, BIO, PHY **Academic Coaching **SLA/PASS courses **Academic Success Presentations How can students make the most out of our academic support resources? By not being afraid to ask for help! Learning to learn and study outside of the classroom is different and we can help you! SASC houses many (not all) of the tutoring and academic support resources. Tutoring is offered in both scheduled, weekly sessions and walk-in centers are offered for many high demand, high challenge courses. Point out that many students hesitate to use resources (dispel myths that tutoring is just for failing students) Academic Coaching is also available. Students can work individually with a coach to discuss time management strategies, college level study skills and test taking skills. (often parents have listed time management and studying as concerns in the poll – so bringing that back in here is a good tie-in.) All academic support is Free for all students The Writing Center is also a great resource that is provided for students and is operated out of the WRT department. Bookmark:

3 Disability Support Resources (DSR) Where:
Disability Support Resources (DSR) Where: 4015 James Zumberge Hall (JHZ) Phone: (616) Web: Resources and Services Alternative test taking Note taking assistance Assistive technology Alternative format textbooks Study skills assessment Housing Career exploration and development New mentor residential program Campus Links – supporting students with ASD

4 Registration with DSR has four main components:
Complete DSR application at  Submit appropriate medical or psychological-educational documentation. Scheduling an appointment to discuss your accommodation needs with a DSR advisor. Share accommodation memo/letter with other university personnel as appropriate. For assistance obtaining sufficient documentation, please review the relevant guidelines for documentation and verification forms. Forms can be downloaded at or picked up from the DSR office.  Registration with DSR prior to situations requiring accommodations is essential

5 Ask Questions! Your Professors – visit them during office hours! Check your syllabus for days, times and locations. Advising Centers – there’s one for EVERY major! Check to find out where to go for your area of study. Tutoring – check for all the locations/days/times. Start now! Don’t wait!

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