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Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

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Presentation on theme: "Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
National Association of Career and Technical Education Information Boise, Idaho 2008 Conference

2 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Sarah Galliher Kim Rice 2014 Capital Plaza Tower 2124 Capital Plaza Tower 500 Mero Street 500 Mero Street Frankfort, KY Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) (502)

3 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Includes all data for Perkins accountability reporting Secondary – 243 high schools 44 locally operated area technology center 64 middle schools 55 state operated area technology centers Postsecondary – 6 universities 16 community and technical colleges WITH 39 campuses 10 correctional facilities Web-based, Windows-based data system utilizing tabled data fields with drop-down lists. Schools enter data directly on the website or data can be imported from school’s local database into TEDS. Can be accessed from any location with any operating system or web browser Each user has data access for assigned school(s) only.

4 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
State-level staff access includes data for an individual school, agency or statewide. Once data has been saved, it can be viewed/edited on screen or printed on reports. Designed, programmed, implemented and maintained by Kentucky’s Education Cabinet/Division for Technology Services Data matching with UI for follow-up Can electronically compare secondary Tech Prep students from previous years to postsecondary current enrollment for list of possible Tech Prep students

5 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Options on menu bar in current version of TEDS are now options on menu tree with sub-options in the rewritten version of TEDS. User may navigate from one screen directly to another without having to access screens higher in the hierarchy.

6 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Menus and screens organized by function. Menu tree contains main functions: Institution Student Demographic Enrollment (multiple screens) Termination Import process Follow-up (Student, Employer and Retention) Central Office (System maintenance functions) Training & Development Reports

7 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
System administrator Assigns user name and access Maintains all tables Works with programmer on enhancements and any problems Ensures that data collection and reporting meets Perkins requirements Functions as a Help Desk for TEDS issues Provides training individually and for groups Communicates with users by , phone and visits Monitors schools’ performance Provides technical assistance Develops new reports Provides ad hoc reports to management

8 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

9 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Demographic data Student name Student address and phone number Gender Race SSN SSID (Ky. assigned student ID number) Contact information Student Organization activity

10 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

11 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment screen: School year Program enrollment by CIP Code Enrollment date Education level (secondary/postsecondary) Student objective (participant/concentrator) Attend hours (contact hours) Credit hours Home high school (secondary only) Special population data (disadvantage, disability, LEP, single parent, single pregnant woman) G.P.A. (postsecondary only) Termination status/date Tech Prep indicator Federal reporting indicator (used for non-duplicated reports)

12 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

13 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/Sponsor By Screen: List of possible sponsors including Pell Grant WIA Scholarships Employer Vocational Rehabilitation Etc.

14 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

15 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/O*Net Codes Screen Lists O*Net titles/codes available for the CTE program in which the student is enrolled Can record as many O*Nets as the student earns

16 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

17 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/Industry Certificates Screen: Master list contains only those industry certificates that have been validated by business and industry List of possible industry certificates that can be earned by passing a test for that occupation Only certificates related to the student’s program enrollment are displayed on screen May assign as many certificates as a student earns

18 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

19 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/Credentials Screen: List of possible credentials that may be earned from an educational institution May assign as many as a student earns

20 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

21 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/Work-Based Learning (WBL) Screen: Type of work-based learning (co-op, internship, job shadowing, school-based enterprise etc.) Employer

22 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

23 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/Skills Standards Screen: Test name Scenario test score Multiple choice test score Results = pass/not pass

24 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Insert Enrollment/CATS printscreen

25 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment/CATS Screen: Test name Test score (novice, apprentice, proficient, distinguished)

26 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

27 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Class List Termination Screen: Class roster with active data fields Student name SSN Objective (participant/concentrator) Termination status Termination date

28 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Importing Data From Other Sources Can import from any database if export file is a text file and matches TEDS file layout Files are put through test before allowing TEDS to be updated / changed Test results list dispensation for individual records If individual record does not pass test, error message lists reason Can be run at any time, as often as necessary Update process runs during the night to ensure use of TEDS resources during regular business hours

29 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Data is extracted/exported from STI/IC and two text files are created: Demographic file - Student name, address, birth date, etc. 2. Enrollment file – Program, school year, attend hours, grade level, termination info, certificates, etc. The data in both files is imported into the TEDS system via an import batch process. The key identifier for secondary students for both files and TEDS is the Student System Identifying Number (SSID).

30 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Kentucky is currently changing its student information system for secondary students. Infinite Campus (IC) now has the contract and will provide software and related services for the next 10 years.

31 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
STI TEDS Data Enrollment Screen

32 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Demographic File Layout

33 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment File Layout

34 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment File Layout (cont’d)

35 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Import screen: Schools use the two text files from STI/IC to import data into TEDS. The file layout from STI/IC must match the TEDS import file layout. Program data must be in TEDS for each program that will have enrollment records imported Student demographic records must have a matching record in the enrollment import file Student enrollment record must have a matching record in the demographic import file or in TEDS

36 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

37 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Import/Import File Process Screen: Import files must be processed in the correct order. Test and update the demographic file. Review results report Test the enrollment file and review the results Make any necessary corrections to the import files or TEDS Steps 1 – 4 may be repeated until results are as clean as possible Submit the enrollment file to update TEDS. Import files are sent and processed via an overnight batch mode Review results of import in TEDS via TEDS reports Enter any records that did not import and correct any errors

38 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
TEDS Error Report

39 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Import/Import Results Screen: Import results Displays a summary line for each file processed via the import process Ability to print a detailed report with results for each record in the file included in the import process

40 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

41 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

42 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Reports screen: Any report may be generated by an individual school, district, agency or statewide All reports can be customized by using selection criteria fields All reports may be generated using alternate formats: Excel, Word or PDF Reports may be saved for auditing purposes Instructions for generating each available report are provided in the TEDS User Manual and as a separate document

43 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Reports screen continued: Available reports include: Class List Report (roster) Enrollment Report Statistical Reports Termination Status Special Populations Disability Disability Disadvantage Employment Status/Transition Attend Hours

44 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Reports screen continued Program Completion Report O*Net Titles Credentials Earned Retention Follow-Up Compare Enrollment Perkins Performance Measures (Perkins III)

45 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Reports screen continued Skills Standards Test Results Home School Report Duplicate Federal Indicator Staff Listing Employer Survey Student Organizations GPA Report Performance Measures (KDE)

46 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Reports screen continued CATS Results CATS Summary Students Pursuing Additional Education Possible Secondary Tech Prep Credit Hours

47 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

48 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Class List Report Only report that prints individual student data For school’s use to verify/review data School may choose what data to print

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50 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

51 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Enrollment Report Aggregate totals only Can include specific populations or all students Can sort and subtotal as needed

52 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

53 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

54 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

55 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

56 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Termination Status Report Disaggregated by termination status code Used for program assessment Useful for troubleshooting completion data

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58 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

59 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Employment Status/Transition Report Disaggregated by employment status Employed in field related to training Employed in field not related to training Employed in field and pursuing additional education Self-employed Pursuing additional education in field related to training Pursuing additional education not in field related to training Military **Transferred to baccalaureate program ( ) Used for program assessment Useful for troubleshooting transition data

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61 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

62 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Perkins Performance Measures Reports Perkins Performance Measures Report will be renamed ‘Perkins III Performance Measures Report’ to preserve historical data capabilities New ‘Perkins IV Performance Measures Report’ will be included in new version of TEDS

63 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)
Perkins Performance Measures Reports Each measure has report calculating performance result Lists numerator, denominator, % and met/not met goal May be run at any time during school year May be run by individual school to check program performance before data is final May be run by Central Office for individual school, agency or statewide

64 Kentucky’s Technical Education Data System (TEDS)

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