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The government of the United States and Utah

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1 The government of the United States and Utah

2 The Declaration of independence
In the summer of 1776, delegates from each of the 13 English colonies met and formed the continental congress. The 13 colonies were having problems with great Britain and decided to write a declaration of independence. This document was written by Thomas Jefferson and was written to state all the reasons why the colonies wanted to be independent from great Britain. This was the beginning of a country eventually called the united states of america

3 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

4 The Declaration of Independence
Notice the signatures at he bottom. When these men signed this document they were committing treason-a crime punishable by death! Thomas Jefferson

5 A new nation Inspired by the declaration of independence, the colonists eventually fought and won the revolutionary war. Winning The revolutionary war is what allowed our country to become its own nation-the united states of America. For the first ten years the government of the united states struggled to run the country under a system called the articles of confederation. This system caused struggles because it had strong state governments, but a weAk national government.

6 The Constitution of the United States
Because of the problems with the articles of confederation, there were many people who wanted to change the government of the united states. In 1787, a convention was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with the original intention of revising the articles of confederation. The 55 delegates would end up creating a whole new form of government by writing the constitution. A constitution is a document that sets out laws and systems of a government.

7 The city of Philadelphia, PA-The Site of the Constitutional Convention.
Independence Hall-This is where the 55 delegates met to write the Constitution. James Madison-A key delegate to the convention. George Washington-Hero of the Revolutionary War, President of the Constitutional Convention, and future President of the United States

8 The constitutional convention
The biggest debate at the convention was about representation in congress or the legislative branch. The small states wanted equal representation no matter how many people live in that state. The bigger states wanted representation based on population. A compromise was reached to create two houses in the legislative branch. The senate-all states have two votes house of representatives-representation is based on population.

9 We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

10 The first part of the constitution divides the United States Government into three Separate branches: Executive Legislative Judicial

11 executive branch Is made up of the President, vice president & presidential advisors. The President and vice-president serve 4 year terms. Responsibilities include: The relationship our country has with other countries. The commander-in-chief of the military. Enforcing laws.

12 The White House

13 Legislative branch Made up of senators and representatives.
Senators serve for 6 year terms. Representatives serve for 2 year terms. Responsibilities include: Making laws Declaring war Controlling the money

14 House of Representatives
Senate U.S. Capitol Building House of Representatives

15 Judicial branch Made up of 9 supreme court justices and other federal judges. They serve for life. They have one responsibility: to decide if laws are constitutional or not.

16 The Supreme Court Building

17 After the convention, the delegates had to take the constitution back to their home states and get them to ratify, or approve it. 9 out of the 13 states had to approve the constitution to make it the law of the land. There was a lot of debate in the states about this new form of government. Many thought there should be more guarantees of human rights. Eventually all 13 states ratified the constitution. In order to get all 13 states to approve the constitution a bill of rights was added to the document. the bill of rights is the first ten amendments (additions) to the constitution. The bill of rights also guarantees certain basic rights of the citizens of the united states.

18 Different Levels of Government
National (Federal) The United States of America The laws made here apply to everyone in the country State Utah The laws made here only apply to people who live in the State of Utah. Local Weber County, Riverdale or Washington Terrace County government applies to smaller regions in the state, City government runs each city or town.

19 Utah’s Constitution This constitution is different than the U.S. Constitution because it only applies to the state of Utah, not the whole country. Both the U.S. Constitution and Utah’s constitution both have preambles and articles that outline the rules of government. Both the U.S. constitution and Utah’s constitution establish three branches of government, and outline the requirements for different government offices. Both Constitutions also state the requirements for voting and protect the rights of the people.

20 Grateful to almighty god for life and liberty, we the people of Utah, in order to secure and perpetuate the principles of free government, do ordain and establish this constitution.

21 Utah’s legislative Branch
There are two houses in Utah’s legislative branch- the Senate and house of representatives. They meet in salt lake city for 45 days each year. The opening day is the 3rd Monday in January. The main duty of this branch is to make laws.

22 Utah State Capitol

23 Utah’s executive branch
The governor is the head of Utah’s executive branch. The governor has the following responsibilities: Directs state government Commander-in-chief of the Utah national guard May present bills to the legislature May call special sessions of the legislature Signs or vetoes bills Pardons people convicted of crimes

24 The Governor’s Mansion

25 Utah’s judicial branch
Utah has a supreme court with five justices. There are many different types of courts in Utah. The Utah supreme court is the highest court in Utah. The main responsibilities of the courts is to make sure that trials are fair, and to also resolve legal disputes between people or businesses.

26 Matheson Courthouse-Home of the Utah Supreme Court


28 Local government Utah is divided into smaller regions called counties. Each county has a county seat. Counties levy taxes and in turn provide services like elections, health departments, business licenses, schools and libraries. Within those counties are cities and towns. City governments provide services like streets and parks, water, sewage and garbage disposal. Cities also remove snow and offer fire and police protection.

29 There are 29 counties in Utah
Riverdale Washington Terrace

30 What can I do to be a good citizen?
Before 18 After 18 Be the best person you can be Be honest, kind, polite and helpful. Go to a city council meeting Do your best in school help keep our communities clean and looking nice Register to vote Know the issues and candidates in local, state and national elections Vote in elections Run for political office Raise your children to be respectful

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