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Jacksonian Democracy The Presidency of Andrew Jackson, US Expansion continues, and social reforms.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacksonian Democracy The Presidency of Andrew Jackson, US Expansion continues, and social reforms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacksonian Democracy The Presidency of Andrew Jackson, US Expansion continues, and social reforms

2 Jacksonian Democracy After President Monroe set the tone for US territory expansion, Andrew Jackson set the tone for expansion of political equality Andrew Jackson (1829) Born into poverty  became the first president to have come from poverty Wanted to expand the rights and political power of the common man Jacksonian democracy Property qualifications for voting were dropped during his administration; not for women, free blacks, slaves, or Native Americans Established the “spoils” system Rewarded faithful supporters and friends with government jobs This system would lead to future instances of corruption under other presidencies

3 Jacksonian Democracy During his presidency Jackson had to deal with issues of sectionalism Following the Tariff of 1816, SC senator Calhoun submitted and promoted the Doctrine of Nullification = if Congress passed a bill that was particularly harmful to a state, the state is not obligated to enforce the law If ¾ of states believe the law to be unconstitutional, the law will be “null and void” This was a leading matter with the issue of South Carolina seceding from the Union (a main factor leading up to the civil war) Although Jackson wanted to respond by sending in troops, Henry Clay proposed the Compromise of 1833 (a compromise tariff bill) Jackson also being from the South understood southern settlers desire to move out west and find gold But, natives still lived on the land Despite, the Supreme Court decision allowing the Indians to keep their land, Jackson decided that they needed to move

4 The Indian Removal Act (1830)
Congress passed an act to remove Indians from their land Affected 5 Indian nations: Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminoles, and Cherokee Cherokees got the worst treatment Trail of Tears was the 800 mile trek to Oklahoma where Indians were forced to settle on reservations

5 US Presidency: Jackson
Pet Banks Whig Party

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