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A. Louisiana Territory Thomas Jefferson*- expanded executive power by purchasing the Louisiana Territory. Used loose interpretation of Constitution.

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2 A. Louisiana Territory Thomas Jefferson*- expanded executive power by purchasing the Louisiana Territory. Used loose interpretation of Constitution

3 Lewis and Clark- explored, mapped, reported on Louisiana Territory
Lewis and Clark- explored, mapped, reported on Louisiana Territory. Goal was to find a route to the Pacific Ocean

4 Increased U.S. involvement in foreign affairs by negotiating with France*
Doubled the size of America*

5 1836 to 1845: TX is an independent country
Texas*: Annexation (to add territory) after Texas was a separate nation from Mexico 1836 to 1845: TX is an independent country The Alamo Video

6 Gold Rush*: 1849 gold is discovered in California and it sets off a big rush to the state. Quickens the settlement of the west.

7 Mexican - American War & Mexican Cession*: 1846-49
US provokes war w/ Mexico over TX boundary, war lasts 2 years, US forces MX to give over land in exchange for $15 million

8 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1849)
Ends the MX-AM War, Mexico gives up the Mexican Cession which includes present day CA, NV, UT, CO, NM, and AZ.

9 Gadsden Purchase (1854)*: What is now Arizona and New Mexico south of the Gila River. Purchased to finish the Transcontinental Railroad for $10 million



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