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Work with Older Adults - A Presentation for High School Students

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1 Work with Older Adults - A Presentation for High School Students
HAVE THIS SCREEN UP WHILE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS COME INTO THE ROOM Do Well by Doing Good Work with Older Adults - A Presentation for High School Students

2 Brought to you by: (Add the name/city/logo of your community here)
We are a member of LeadingAge -- an national organization whose 6,000 member communities take care of older adults Welcome! I’m here from NAME OF YOUR COMMUNITY to talk to you about careers working with older adults I’ve found that many high school students – like you - don’t always know about this field – and the jobs that are available Over the next few minutes, I’d like to talk to you about 3 things: --all the jobs that will be available over the next few years --the different jobs that you can do – after high school, or, after college --and, how to find out more information But FIRST, let me show you a quick video on working with older people. This video was put together by a group of people in their twenties who found they really liked working in this area GO TO NEXT SLIDE

3 Connect the Ages: We never knew these jobs existed and couldn't be happier working in this industry. We’re a group of millennials who found purposeful and impactful careers by working with older generations!  View the video. Requires internet connection. CLICK ON 90-SECOND VIDEO TO PLAY Great video, right? Most of these people hadn’t even heard of the field before. Who knew there were so many jobs working with older people? GO TO NEXT SLIDE

4 Why Work with Older Adults?
It’s where the jobs are: Every day, 10,000 people turn 65 7 out of 10 will need help of some kind By 2050, the US will have only ½ of people we need for these jobs = Lots of jobs for HS and college grads So, why would YOU think about working with older adults? Well -- it’s where the jobs will be in the future – for both HS and college graduates Here are some quick facts: -- People are getting older in the US – every single day, 10,000 people turn age 65 -- About 7 out of 10 of these people will need help as they get older ---In about 30 years – the US will only have half of the workers we need to take care of them – ---so that’s a lot of jobs for you to think about GO TO NEXT SLIDE

5 What Jobs are Available?
With a HS Education and Some Training: Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs) Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) Food Prep and Serving Workers Home Health Aides/Personal Care Aides Building and ground maintenance Like the video said, there are all kinds of jobs for people who want to work with aging adults – both with a high school education or college degree What if you aren’t sure what to do right after high school? With just some training, you can become a: -- Certified Nurse Assistants or CNAs – those are the people who take care of older people who live in communities and get to know the residents very well. Lots of these nurse assistants have had close relationships with their grandparents. Some of them get more training and become nurses. --And that brings me to my next point – a lot of CAN‘s get more education and become LPNs -- You can work in a dining hall – we hire people to do food prep and serve our residents. We usually train these workers in-house --Home health aides or personal care aides – you can help older people right in their own home --Building and ground maintenance is just what you’d expect – help make building repairs or work outside on the grounds GO TO NEXT SLIDE

6 What Jobs are Available?
With a College Degree: Dieticians Health Educators Registered Nurses (RNs) Counselors and Social Workers Physical and Occupational Therapists (PT & OT) Technology Experts Marketing/Communications Administrators There are also options after college: -- Dieticians are needed to help figure out healthy meals -- Health educators help people – you got it – stay healthy -- Registered nurses -- Social workers and counselors to deal with families and mental health issues -- PT and OT – help get people back in shape or improve day–to-day activities --Tech experts – many communities are relying a lot on information technology – and many are hiring people to help them do it -- Marketing – every community needs to have help telling people about it --And finally, administrators to run the communities GO TO NEXT SLIDE

7 What Jobs are Available?
With a College Degree and More: Doctors/Geriatricians Pharmacists Architects Elder law attorneys What else? Well, with a little more education, you can think about becoming a --doctor --pharmacist --architect – we need someone to design all these place -- or a lawyer who works just on issues around older people As the video said, there are many ways you can work in aging GO TO NEXT SLIDE

8 Where do they work? Communities where adults live independently or with help (“independent living” and “assisted living”) Nursing homes Adult day care In people’s home – “home care” The aging field also offers a lot of places to work -- SAY SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR OWN COMMUNITY HERE -- some people life in communities where they get very little help – or just a bit more assistance -- others live in nursing homes -- and there’s what we call “adult day” – people – maybe your parents – drop off older people at centers to take care of them while they go to work -- and – as I said earlier – employees can help out right in someone’s home GO TO NEXT SLIDE

9 Are you ready to “Do Well by Doing Good?”
Any interest you have can be applied toward the field… There’s so much need… You can actually change someone’s life… At the end of the day, you feel passionate about what you’re doing! Let me finish by taking about the video we saw at the beginning You can have a meaningful career and make a living – like they said in the video -- “do well by doing good” I liked a lot of quotes from the video that are on the screen – READ A FEW…THEN GO TO NEXT SLIDE

10 Want more information? Contact (ADD YOUR COMMUNITY INFO HERE)
Sound interesting? Feel free to contact me at ADD CONTACT INFO HERE GO TO NEXT SLIDE

11 Just want to explore the field?
Learn more about how you can get involved in the campaign put together by the people in the video at Or – maybe you just want to explore this a little. The people who put together the video have a website where you can find more information – say, you just want to volunteer and check out the field. Go to – or go to their facebook page or find them on instagram

12 Thank you! Thanks for being here I’m happy to answer any questions!

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