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Interactive Notebook Set-up

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1 Interactive Notebook Set-up
7th grade Language Arts Mr. emenecker

2 Overview: Your Interactive Notebook for Language Arts will be a place for you to record all your notes and to practice and apply the skills taught in class. This notebook will become a portable portfolio of all your efforts during this school year. It will be a tool to help you study and, ultimately, be a reflection of you as a student in my classroom. You should value this notebook and take pride in its appearance and contents.

3 The Cover (front and back)
Task: Decorate your Interactive Notebook cover to reflect who you are as a reader and Language Arts student. Directions-You cover must include ALL of the following bullet points: Images of 3 -5 books that have left a lasting impression on you (These can be from early childhood to the present). Favorite genre Favorite author Favorite book series OR favorite character(s) from novel(s) Positive quote(s) about reading Inspirational quote(s) for life Optional: One picture of yourself *All images and words must be school appropriate.

4 Reading Timeline Tree Map/Summation Paragraphs:
Upon completion of your cover you will be crafting a reading timeline Tree Map and writing a summation paragraph on the first pages of your Interactive Notebook (INB). I will model and explain this process and the final product.

5 Points - (a WOW product) 100%/25 points · all of the requirements are evident and EXCEEDED · the product is VERY neatly done and EXTREMELY well organized · the product shows LOTS of creativity and is colorfully illustrated · completed on time 4 Points - (What is EXPECTED) 90%/22.5 points

6 Rubric continued… 3 Points – (Almost What is EXPECTED) 80%/20 points
· the requirements are evident (maybe 1 or 2 are missing) · the product is neatly done and organized · the product shows some creativity and is illustrated · completed on time 2 Points – (Sort of What is EXPECTED) 70%/17.5 points · the requirements are evident (maybe 3 or 4 are missing) · the product is done and sort of organized · the product shows little creativity and is illustrated 1 Point – (Two or More parts are missing) 60%/15 points · MANY of the requirements are NOT PRESENT · the product is VERY POORLY done and POORLY organized · the product shows little TO NO creativity and THE illustrations IS POORLYDONE 0 Points - (Does not meet Standards) 50%/12.5 points · Cannot be scored or no product

7 Inside Cover Reading Timeline Tree Map Make sure your first and last name is written clearly on this inside cover.

8 Summation Paragraph(s)
Quality Work Expectations

9 Quality Work Expectations
Quality work looks like… Neat, legible handwriting Crisp paper (no rips, wrinkles, or fringes) Complete and thoughtful responses with text evidence and support/elaboration Proper citation of sources Proper use of punctuation and grammar Limited to no spelling errors Proper formatting Submission ready (printed, stapled, etc.)

10 Summation Paragraphs Quality Work Expectations Notebook Expectations:

11 Notebook Expectations:
My notebook should be in class at all times. I am responsible for my notebook (location and content). 3. It is my responsibility to collect or copy missing pages when absent. 4. Notebooks may be collected randomly and will be graded. 5. My handwriting will be neat and legible. I understand that all writing is practice and will follow the rules of grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. I will never tear pages out of my notebook. I will not doodle or scribble in my notebook (unless assigned to do so).

12 Back pages: REFERENCES and Reading Log

13 Next pages MLA Format In-Text Citation

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