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Topic 1 – Visible light and the solar system

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1 Topic 1 – Visible light and the solar system
Task Topic 1 – Visible light and the solar system Describe the geocentric model of the Solar System Describe the heliocentric model of the Solar System Explain how Galileo discovered proof that the Earth is not at the centre of the universe Draw a transversal wave, label the wavelength, peak, crest, trough, and amplitude Describe the different ways light and sound travel. Why does a wave refract? If some 14m long waves have a frequency of 0.5Hz, what is the wavespeed? Describe how to find the focal length of a lens Name the lenses in a refraction telescope. What are each for? Explain how a reflection telescope works, use a diagram to help. List some advantages of a reflection telescope over a refraction telescope

2 Topic 2 – The electromagnetic spectrum
Task Topic 2 – The electromagnetic spectrum Describe how Herschel discovered infrared radiation. Describe how Ritter discovered ultraviolet light. Name two differences and three similarities between x-rays and radio waves. What are the three types of ionising radiation - which is most penetrating and ionising and what are they made of? List the names of the sections of the electromagnetic spectrum starting with the least dangerous. Describe two uses and dangers for each part. What is ionising radiation? Explain why you can’t get hurt by a remote control, but you can by an oven even though they both use infrared radiation. Explain what happens when an x-ray is being taken How does a radiographer keep themselves safe Explain how a fluorescent strip on a bank note works. Why are gamma rays used for sterilising food and to treat cancer?

3 Topic 3 – waves and the universe
Task Topic 3 – waves and the universe Describe what a spectrometer is and what it’s used for. Explain why some telescopes need to orbit the Earth and some don’t. Describe four different ways humans are searching for life on other planets. Describe the life cycle of a star our sun’s size. Describe the life cycle of a star much bigger than our sun and explain why it matters how big the star is to what happens at the end of it’s life. Discuss the two current theories about the universe and the evidence for each theory.

4 Topic 4 – waves and the earth
Task Topic 4 – waves and the earth What are infrasounds and ultrasounds? Give two natural and two man-made sources of infrasound. Describe two uses of ultrasound. Describe the different layers in the Earth Explain how an earthquake is generated. Where are most earthquakes located? Describe the differences between two types of seismic waves Explain why the speed of seismic waves in rock increases the deeper you go Explain why there are shadow zones around the globe, where some earthquakes can’t be detected Describe how seismologists can locate the epicentre of an earthquake

5 Topic 5 – generation and transmission of electricity
Task Topic 5 – generation and transmission of electricity State why an energy source can be classed as renewable. Describe how the following renewable energy sources generate electricity; Wind power, Solar Panels, hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal, wave and biomass.. Describe how the following non-renewable energy sources generate electricity; nuclear, coal, oil and gas. Describe how a simple generator and dynamo works. State how to increase the electricity generated. Describe the difference between AC and DC electricity. Calculate the potential difference of a bulb, which has an electrical current of 12A and a resistance of 3Ω. Describe what the national grid is. Explain how transformers are used to reduce the energy lost when transporting electricity. Describe what electrical power means. Describe some ways of reducing the energy and electricity used in a home. Explain why someone might want to insulate their roof, even though it is expensive to do.

6 Topic 6 – energy and the future
Task Topic 6 – energy and the future List 9 types of energy. Give an example of each. State what the conservation of energy means. Draw an energy conversion diagram for a light bulb that converts 120J of electrical energy into 20J of light energy Calculate the efficiency of the bulb in Q3 and explain what happens to the rest of the energy. State the best colour for; a) absorbing heat, b)reflecting heat, c)transmitting heat. Describe how a swimming pool is kept at a constant temperature. Explain how global warming and the greenhouse effect are linked.

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