Preview p.84 What is the difference between delusions and hallucinations?

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Presentation on theme: "Preview p.84 What is the difference between delusions and hallucinations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preview p.84 What is the difference between delusions and hallucinations?

2 Preview Delusions: False beliefs; dysfunction of cognitive systems
Hallucinations: False perceptions; dysyfunction of our perceptual system

3 Schizophrenia

4 Schizophrenic Subtype
Schizophrenia Schizophrenic Subtype Characteristics Frequency Paranoid Schizophrenia First appears around ages 25-30 Delusions of grandeur or persecution Onset very sudden Roughly 40 percent of all schizophrenics Disorganized Schizophrenia Many homeless people affected Delusions Hallucinations Disorganized thinking and speech Neglected hygiene Roughly 5 percent of all schizophrenics Catatonic Schizophrenia Odd movements: immobility (stupor)/ unexpected bodily movements Waxy flexibility: body becomes rigid and doesn’t change position for long periods Roughly 8 percent of all schizophrenics

5 Vulnerability Theory of Schizophrenia
Similar to the diathesis-stress model Schizophrenia is the result of a biological predisposition and the amount of stress one encounters

6 A Beautiful Mind O0iXk
Paranoid schizophrenia

7 Personality Disorders
enduring or continuous inflexible patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

8 Personality Disorders
I think I am a special person. I expect a great deal from others. I am envious of other people’s good fortune. I will never be satisfied until I get all that I deserve. I really like to be the center of attention.

9 Personality Disorders
Cluster A: Odd-Eccentric Paranoid Distrust of others, believe people out to harm them. Could react with violence Schizoid No social relationships. The “hermit” Schizotypal Problems with either starting or maintaining relationships. Odd perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

10 Personality Disorders
Cluster B: Dramatic-Erratic Histrionic Obsessed with being the center of attention. Very dramatic. Emotionally shallow person. Narcissistic Exaggerated belief that he or she is very important and has achieved much success. Arrogant. Borderline Instability of emotions, impulse control, obsessive fear of being alone, difficulty maintaining relationships and routines. Antisocial No feelings of regard for others and their welfare. Lack of conscience or remorse. Most heavily studied personality disorder. Sociopath and psychopath.

11 Personality Disorders
Cluster C: Anxious-Fearful Dependent An enormous need to be taken care of. Cannot make decisions. Very needy. Obsessive-Compulsive Obsession with order and control. Perfectionist. Avoidant Oversensitive to criticism. Does not partake in social institutions.

12 Rates of Psychological Disorders
The United States ranks no.1 globally for mental illness. About half of Americans will meet the criteria for a DSM-IV disorder sometime in their life.

13 Process p.84 Where is the line between being eccentric, anxious, or odd and having a personality disorder? How might treatment be difficult?

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