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The Progressive Movement

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1 The Progressive Movement
6th Grade Social Studies AL Standard 2 Ms. Frederick

2 Workplace Reforms Skit Time! Lewis Hime

3 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws What are they making? What are the
conditions like? What needs to change?

4 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws What are they making? What are the
conditions like? What needs to change?

5 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws What are they making? What are the
conditions like? What needs to change?

6 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws What are they making? What are the
conditions like? What needs to change?

7 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws
Using the information we have collected, write a diary entry as one of the children featured in the photos. Requirements: Your entry must be at least two paragraphs long. Give a little background: How did you end up with this job? What did you do before you took the job? How do your parents feel about you working? Use descriptive words to talk about the job, your working conditions, and whatever changes you think need to take place.

8 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws
1904 National Child Labor Committee forms Aggressive national campaign for federal child labor law reform begins. 1916 New federal law threatens state violators First federal child labor law prohibits movement of goods across state lines if minimum age laws are violated.(Law in effect only until 1918, when it’s declared unconstitutional, then revised, passed, and declared unconstitutional again) 1938 Federal regulation of child labor achieved in Fair Labor Standards Act For the first time, minimum ages of employment and hours of work for children are regulated by federal law.

9 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Laws What about agriculture?
Child farm workers and the CARE Act If passed, who would benefit from the CARE Act? If passed, who would suffer as a result of the CARE Act? Do you think Congress should pass this bill? Why or why not?

10 Workplace Reforms Child Labor Today: Hard to Swallow
Efforts to stop child labor around the world Child farm workers in America and the CARE Act - Interviews and Information

11 Workplace Reforms Want to know more about the history, present reality, and future of child labor? This article is very informative and easy to read. A quick overview of child labor and reforms in the early 20th century. U.S. Child labor laws. This site has lots of interesting and powerful information about child labor. in the U.S.

12 Workplace Reforms 8 Hour Workday, 1916

13 Workplace Reforms Workers’ Compensation Laws Alabama, 1855

14 What Is It? If a 6th grade student from another country ed you and asked, “What is America? I’m thinking of doing an exchange program there. Can you describe your country to me in 5-8 sentences?” how would you respond? After you give your initial reaction to the question, make sure to include at least three characteristics of: The land The climate The lifestyle/culture

15 National Parks This Is America
2:00-4:56 Why do we need National Parks?

16 National Parks Theodore Roosevelt
What did Roosevelt contribute to the National Parks movement? How would the U.S. be different without his work?

17 National Parks Then and Now

18 Constitutional Amendments of the Progressive Era

19 Constitutional Amendments of the Progressive Era
What is an amendment? How are Constitutional Amendments passed? A minor change to a document. If Congress proposes the amendment, it needs a ⅔ majority vote in the House of Reps and the Senate. A constitutional convention can be called for by ⅔ of the State legislatures.

20 Constitutional Amendments
(Read about Amendments and 21) 16th (February 3, 1913) - Gave the federal government the power to collect income tax. 18th (January 16, 1919) - Prohibition of alcohol. 19th (August 18, 1920) - Gave women the right to vote; women's suffrage. 21st (December 5, 1933) - Repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.

21 Constitutional Amendments: POP QUIZ!
Split yourselves into teams of 5-6, and find an area of the room to stand in with your team. Send one person from your team to get Post-It notes from Ms. Frederick. Make sure someone on your team has a pen or marker. LET’S DO THIS!

22 Constitutional Amendments: POP QUIZ!
What fraction of Congress or state legislators have to agree there is a need for a new amendment before a proposal can be made? 2/3

23 Constitutional Amendments: POP QUIZ!
What fraction of the 50 states have to ratify a new amendment before it is added to the Constitution? How many states is that? 3/4 38 states

24 Constitutional Amendments: POP QUIZ!
Which amendment approved of collecting of federal (national) income taxes? 16th Amendment

25 Constitutional Amendments: POP QUIZ!
Which amendment prohibited (banned) alcohol? Which amendment repealed (canceled out) that one? 18th Amendment 21st Amendment

26 Constitutional Amendments: POP QUIZ!
Which amendment gave women the right to vote? 19th Amendment

27 The Progressive Movement
What is a muckraker? A journalist who “rakes up” and exposes the corruption and problems of society

28 The Progressive Movement
What is the meaning of this political cartoon? Why are the men standing in a circle? Why are they all men? When do you think this was drawn?

29 The Progressive Movement
According to this 1912 political cartoon, what is progressivism? Why was Teddy Roosevelt so popular among American citizens? Does this cartoon make him look like a good president or a bad one?

30 The Progressive Movement
Why does this cartoon show women growing larger over time? Who do you think drew this cartoon? A man or a woman?

31 The Progressive Movement
Let’s make our own political cartoon! For this activity, you’ll need: Colored pencils The next blank page in your red notebook Good listening skills

32 Women Take the Lead! Jane Addams Founder of Hull House in Chicago
1st American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Leader in Women’s suffrage and world peace “The children are our future. We must teach them by our examples. As women we must build up our communities. To do this we must be allowed to have a voice and to vote.”

33 Women Take the Lead! Clara Barton Julia Tutwiler
Julia Tutwiler Advocate for the equal treatment and respect of women Advocate for education and prison reform First female president of Livingston Normal College

34 Women Take the Lead! Women’s Suffrage:
The right of women to vote and run for office.

35 Women Take the Lead! Imagine…“Dear Diary”
You are an American teenager in the early 1900s. Your mother is a suffragette, and your father thinks that she is wrong for being one. According to your mom, women deserve voting rights. According to your dad (and all of your friends’ dads), your mom’s mindset is dangerous because she is neglecting important household duties to spend time planning rallies and protests. After overhearing them have an argument last night, you have a lot of thoughts about the rights and place of women in society. Which parent do you agree with? Why? What are some things you have seen or heard around you that have influenced that decision. Start off with “Dear Diary” or “Hello Journal” At least 2 paragraphs

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