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Bell Ringer Using ethos, pathos, and logos convince me that we should do nothing in class today. Make sure to label e, p, and l where they occur in your.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Using ethos, pathos, and logos convince me that we should do nothing in class today. Make sure to label e, p, and l where they occur in your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Using ethos, pathos, and logos convince me that we should do nothing in class today. Make sure to label e, p, and l where they occur in your argument.

2 Evaluating Resources (most of the information in this PowerPoint comes from

3 Quantity Need enough resources to: Support your argument
Include a variety of viewpoints and materials

4 Diversity Variety is necessary. Include many different resources.
Primary Sources Contemporary accounts of an event and original documents Examples: letters, diaries, audio-recordings of speeches, newspaper articles Secondary Resources Retrospective sources based on primary resources; include scientific or scholarly analysis Examples: books, articles, editorials, reviews, scientific studies

5 Date of Publication Depending on the topic of research different materials from different time periods will be used. Current Events Research Use resources that are recent and reflect current attitudes. Historical Research Use a variety of resources from different time periods including both Primary and Secondary resources.

6 Quality and Reliability
Most important yet most difficult task What is the tone? Who is the intended audience? What is the purpose of the publication? What assumptions does the author make? What are the bases of the author's conclusions? Does the author agree or disagree with other authors of the subject? Does the content agree with what you know or have learned about the issue?

7 Relevancy Does it contain information that you want or need to know? Is it relevant?

8 Additional Research Documentation (i.e., footnotes and bibliography)
Provides additional resources Substantiates the author's research

9 Research Paper Rubric Review
Questions? Comments?

10 Lab Assignment Find 1 Primary Source to Support your Argument
Find 1 Secondary Source to Support your Argument Find 2 Sources that REFUTE/COUNTER/DISAGREE with your argument

11 Organization & Task For EACH ARTICLE, complete the following:
Identify Primary/Secondary/Refutation Source Select 2 quotes that support or refute your argument Analyze the significance of the quote Provide web link for source

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