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The Rise of Christianity and the Fall of Rome

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1 The Rise of Christianity and the Fall of Rome
11/16/2018 Chapter 6

2 The Rise of Christianity
1 The Rise of Christianity Judea became a Roman province in 63 B.C. Some—called zealots—resented Roman authority They awaited a messiah who would restore their kingdom Jesus was born and raised both Jewish and Roman Perceived as a threat to Roman power Unwelcomed by many Jews, who thought him a rebel His apostles spread his message following the crucifixion in 29 A.D.

3 Christianity continued…
2 Christianity continued… Early Christians were persecuted 312 A.D. Constantine passed the Edict of Milan The Christian Church is a Catholic one Bishops (super priests) Archbishop (super bishops) Pope (Roman archbishop) Basic beliefs were sorted out by the Church Fathers

4 The Decline of the Roman Empire
Following the Pax Romana, everything went south The overextended economy and crops failed Disease and starvation followed The military was occupied by barbarians on all borders The ranks were filled with mercenaries Roman politicians became horribly corrupt Diocletian and Constantine attempted reform They split the empire and moved the capital Western Rome fell to the Huns and Goths



7 Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization
Latin remains the language of learning The arch, dome, and concrete are still used to create massive structures Roman Law influences Western tradition Equality before the law Innocent until proven guilty Punishment for actions, not thoughts Unfair laws should be ignored

8 Coliseum

9 Pont du gard, Roman Aquaduct

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