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Structural support & Body movements

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1 Structural support & Body movements
Dr. Ashraf Hussain


3 Structure and Function
Structure & Function Structure and Function Forms the body framework Protects and supports internal organs Enables the body to move Consists of bones, joints and muscles

4 Musculoskeletal System Function
Scaffolding/Support Protection of vital organs Locomotion Production of RBC Storage of minerals

5 Musculoskeletal support
Skin Muscles Bones Tendons Ligaments Cartilage

6 Human Locomotion: B Bones –
1. Provide a place for muscles to attach to 2. Give the body its general shape and support structure. 3. Protect structures like brain, heart lungs, spinal cord… Act a storage site of mineral like calcium and phosphate. Made up of living tissue. Produces red and some white blood cells.

7 Musculoskeletal Structures
Tendons Bands of connective tissue binding muscles to bones Cartilage Connective tissue covering the epiphysis Surface for articulation Ligaments Connective tissue supporting joints Attach bone ends to each other

8 Dislocation : Bones have moved from their normal location but no cartilage or tendon damage has occurred. Sprains – injuries to the ligaments that surround a joint. Strains – injuries to muscles caused by over exertion. Tendonitis – Inflammation of a tendon.

9 Disorders: Osteoarthritis – stiffness of the joints caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis – more severe progression of osteoarthritis. Joint may become so swollen that it is locked in place. Gout – uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints causing inflammation.

10 Fracture Break in continuity of bone Closed Open Overlying skin intact
Wound extends from body surface to fracture site Produced either by bones or object that caused Fracture Danger of infection Bone end not necessarily visible

11 Diagnostic, Procedural, and Laboratory Tests Pt 3
Electromyogram Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Arthrography Arthroscopy Computed tomography (CT) Myelography

12 Good Luck!!


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