Solid-Water Interface

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Presentation on theme: "Solid-Water Interface"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solid-Water Interface
Mineralogical transformation biomineralization dissolution precipitation Mn+ Oxidation Reduction Mn+x release Bacteria deposition Organic Matter Mineral adsorption Organic ligand desorption Soil Profile complexation Aqueous Metal Ion degradation Metal-Organic Complex Surface complex

2 Surface Charge Permanent Charge (so) Variable Charge (sH)
>Al-OH-1/2 + H+  >Al-OH2+1/2 >Al=O H+  >Al=OHo + H+  >Al=OH2+

3 Ion Retention sorption desorption Aqueous Metal Ion

4 Types of Ion Retention Adsorption Absorption
Precipitation (homogeneous) Surface (heterogeneous) Precipitation Terms Sorption Adsorption Absorption Surface precipitation Precipitation Sorptive Sorbate Sorbent

5 Types of Ion Retention c b a Surface precipitation Absorption
Adsorption a

6 Adsorption: Chemical versus Electrostatic

7 Chemical Adsorption: Requirements
1. Chemically Reactive Ion 2. Chemically Reactive Surface

8 Chemical Reactivity of Ions
Ion Reactive (with oxide surfaces) Cl- no SO42- partially NO3- no F- yes PO43- yes SeO32- yes SeO42- partially AsO43- yes AsO33- yes (but conditionally) CrO42- partially

9 Lewis Acids and Bases Hard Lewis Acids: H+, Na+, K+, Cs+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cr3+, Fe3+, Al3+, Si4+ Intermediate Lewis Acids: Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ Soft Lewis Acids: Ag+, Au+, Cd2+, Hg2+ Hard Lewis Bases: H2O, OH-, O2-, CO32-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-, F- Intermediate Lewis Bases: Br-, Cl- Soft Lewis Bases: R-SH, S2-, I-

10 Electrostatic Interactions
+ Electrostatic Interactions + + Diffuse Swarm + + + + + Outer-sphere complex

11 Ion Selectivity 1 Dehydrated radius (inverse to hydrated radius)
Radius (nm)1 Desorption (%)2 Li+ 0.068 68 Na+ 0.097 67 K+ 0.133 49 NH4+ 0.143 50 Cs+ 0.167 37 Mg2+ 0.066 31 Ca2+ 0.099 29 Al3+ 0.051 15 Th4+ 0.102 2 1 Dehydrated radius (inverse to hydrated radius) 2 Reacted with 1 M KCl or NH4Cl

12 Electrostatic Interactions: Exchange Reactions

13 Eisenman Model rs Ca2+ ra,b

14 Salt Affected Soils

15 Acid Soils

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