The Renaissance Time Period

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance Time Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance Time Period

2 This era characterizes rebirth, new ideas.
Characteristics This era characterizes rebirth, new ideas.

3 Different scales were developed during this time:
Characteristics Different scales were developed during this time: Major: Minor:

4 Vocal music is still more important than instrumental music.
Polyphony (music with more than one voice part) continues to develop. The two vocal parts are more likely to sing independently of each other (called counterpoint).

5 Polyphony (music with more than one voice part) continues to counterpoint).
Voice parts are given equal importance (none is more important than the other).

6 The Mass became one of the main forms of vocal music.
Another was the motet, an unaccompanied vocal work based on a sacred Latin text.

7 Madrigals are compositions for many voices, usually unaccompanied.
Music is usually written for a specific purpose.

8 Instrumental music has not developed much since the Medieval period.

9 Instruments of this era included plucked string instruments like the lute, bowed string instruments like the viol, flutes, recorders, and horns. Insert pics of viol and recorder

10 The music system of "neumes"
began to develop into a system of lines and spaces that began to look like today's musical staff. This allowed composers to write music that was more complicated and sophisticated.

11 The organ became the primary keyboard instrument, along with the harpsicord.
Insert organ and harpsicord pics and videos

12 Composer: Thomas Weelkes
Insert picture of Weelkes From England Lived from

13 Weelkes Facts: He is considered the most original madrigalist (writer of madrigals) of his time. Most of his writing was in four early years when he was about 22 years old.

14 Weelkes Facts: Mr. Weelkes was an organist at Winchester College and Chichester Cathedral. He began to have problems with negligence and absenteeism. But he ended up being dismissed for drunkenness and profanity.

15 Weelkes Facts: It is unknown whether his poor habits caused the stagnation (slowing down) in his writing career, or if the habits were a result of the stagnation.

16 The Nightingale Listening Selection:
this is a classic example of a madrigal sung without any accompaniment. The singers are using their voices to mimic something - what?


18 2nd listening example: "In Pride of May" (Riverdale Singers)


20 Compare and contrast Medieval and Renaissance music.

21 The Renaissance Time Period

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