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Early Modern Age Age of European Exploration

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1 Early Modern Age Age of European Exploration 1450 - 1750
AP World History Early Modern Age Age of European Exploration

2 Chapter 22 Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections
Portugal and Spain

3 Ten Minute History – The Early Portuguese and Spanish Empires

4 Europeans Explore the East
Exploration Factors Influence: Crusades Wealth spices / luxury goods bypass Italian middleman Spread Christianity Christianity and commerce New technologies caravel triangular sails sail into the wind astrolabe magnetic compass

5 Oceanic Navigation

6 Europeans Explore the East
Portugal – 1450 AD technology innovator Prince Henry Africa trading ‘posts’ gold, slaves Asia Spices, silks, porcelain Bartolomeu Dias – 1488 tip of Africa Vasco da Gama 1st to reach India Spain – 1492 AD Treaty of Tordesillas – 1494 Line of Demarcation lands Portugal & Spain could claim

7 Why Salt and Pepper?

8 Treaty of Tordesillas SPAIN PORTUGAL

9 Europeans Explore the East
Indian Ocean Trade Portugal Financed by Crown bombed E. African ports 80% less for spices Spain Magellan – 1521 Philippines Dutch / English / French – 1600 joint-stock companies East India Company Private investors

10 Magellan’s Navigation of the Globe

11 Spanish Conquests in the Americas
Columbus’ Voyages Goal: trade route to Asia (west) India gold and spices 1492: San Salvador los Indios 1493 Colonies Amerigo Vespucci discovery of ‘new world’ Ferdinand Magellan 1st to circumnavigate globe

12 Importance of Spices

13 History versus Columbus

14 Exploration Voyages

15 Spain’s American Empire
Hernando Cortes conquistadors (conquerors) gold and silver Aztec Empire 600 men Tenochtitlan Aztec capital Montezuma II Aztec emperor Reasons for conquest weapons, allies, disease Francisco Pizarro 180 men vs. 30,000 men Civil war

16 Americapox – The Missing Plague

17 Spain’s American Empire
New World Society mestizos mixed Spanish / native people encomienda native labor system Brazil Portuguese sugar plantations Spanish Influence Class system color Catholicism mixture Language

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