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Treatment of Minorities ~In the middle East~

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1 Treatment of Minorities ~In the middle East~
Emma Stricklin, Nicholas Harper, Marilyn Monroe 3rd Hour World Geo.

2 Women Rights Kuwait Iraq
Women earned the right to vote for the first time in 2OO5 read more. In 2OO9 four women were finally won seats in parliament. People who are born to Kuwait mothers have the same benefits and rights until they are 21. This includes free education, health care, and monetary benefits. Iraq There are no laws focusing on domestic violence against women. Women in some areas have been forced to put on veils and abaya. Forced child marriage among girls is allowed. Women have to obey their husband, if not it is legal for the husband to beat them until they feel they are punished.

3 Women Rights Continued...
Saudi Arabia 14,OOO women have signed a petition to help women rights get better but not much have changed over the years. The system means women in the deeply conservative Islamic kingdom are unable to obtain a passport or travel "We all have to live in the borders of the boxes our dads or husbands draw for us," Syria Women who do not obey to the rules that ISIS imply they are forced to go to jail and have no chance of bale like we do in the US. Some of the rules implied by ISIS does not allow women and children to get the right amount of education. There are many restrictions that say women cannot work outside of the home or even leave the house without their husband's blessing.

4 Women in the middle east

5 Video

6 LGBT Israel Saudi Arabia
Becoming more tolerant with the subject since the 196O’s. There are many laws being enforced by the government to stop LGBT hate crimes. The main reason for an judgment is by religion. Saudi Arabia When same sex marriage was legalized in the US it caused alarm because their citizens would push for the same rights. A school that had the roof painted rainbow colors was fined for $26,OOO. Many religious police do not get in trouble for torturing or beating LGBT people in the country.

7 LGBT Continued... Afghanistan
If you are gay in Afghanistan it is illegal to show any homosexual PDA and you can be beat by citizens and police for doing so. It is illegal to even donate blood if you are gay. There are no protections by the government for being gay. If you are in the military and someone finds out that you are gay you will be kicked out and put into jail until further notice. If you are caught cheating on your husband or wife with a same sex citizen you will have long imprisonment or be punished by death.


9 Religion... The main religion in the Middle East is Muslim.
This means that it is very hard for women to gain any rights because there are rules in their religion that say women should not have many rights and you should obey men. This also goes for any LGBT laws and rights. The laws in the Middle East are mainly made by religion so it is very hard to gain news laws to protect women and LGBT abuse.

10 Reasoning? People are only usually abusive to those who are gay because of religion. There has not been any new laws to protect women or gay people because of their religion. The reason why people wouldn’t just leave because if you are caught being gay you are simply not allowed to. This also goes for women in the Middle East.

11 Are they gonna fix it? Some people would say that there will be more laws put into place to protect these people but there is no guarantee. More and more women are becoming more popular with their riots in the streets. There are also many LGBT people being noticed because of riots and how they are treated.

12 How do others feel about it?
There are many people in the US that are highly against all of the abuse with women and LGBT people in the Middle East but they are not able to do anything. Some people in the Middle East are also against all of the abuse but anything they say will just get them in trouble. In the Middle East in most countries the women are not allowed to vote for new laws for LGBT rights and only men are allowed and most men are against it.

13 Resource Page...
restricting-womens-rights muslim-countries-middle-east 2012_Afghanistan_KabulProtestersBurnSigns.jpg

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