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What are SMART Targets? S – Specific: precise or exact

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Presentation on theme: "What are SMART Targets? S – Specific: precise or exact"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are SMART Targets? S – Specific: precise or exact
SMART Targets are the methods teachers together with students use to help set both short-term and long-term goals, objectives used to attain them, and strategies used to help students understand. S – Specific: precise or exact M – Measurable: able to be measured or to meet certain standards A – Attainable: achievable R – Realistic: relevant to what is being learned T – Time-related: able to be completed in a reasonable period of time

2 S is for Specific SPECIFIC goals, both short-term and long-term, are needed to identify what the student should aim to learn after a lesson. They often answer these five basic questions: WHAT?: What do I want to accomplish? WHY: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. WHO?: Who is involved? WHERE?: Where will this benefit the student? WHICH?: Which information is most important to help me learn?

3 M is for Measurable If a goal is not MEASURABLE, it will be impossible to know whether the student is making progress toward reaching the goal. Questions to ask: HOW much time will it take for me to reach my goal? HOW many things will I need to know to reach my goal? HOW will I know I’ve accomplished my goal.

4 A is for Attainable Goals must be ATTAINABLE, meaning students must be able to reach their goals. They shouldn’t be too difficult or complex for the student, but rather clear and understandable. Questions to ask: How can the goal be accomplished? How realistic is the goal based on what I already know?

5 R is for Realistic Goals must also be REALISTIC or RELEVANT to the subject matter. Questions to ask: Does this seem worthwhile? Does this match our other efforts/needs? Can we apply our goal to other things we will learn in class?

6 T is for Time-related Students must be able to achieve their goals in a TIME-RELATED manner. Questions to ask: When will I learn what is taught? What can I do six months from now? What can I do six weeks from now? What can I do today?

7 CENTERS - Aug 17-18 WRITING CENTER: Write one paragraph about your idea of a dream vacation. Include an opening sentence telling where you would go, 3-4 supporting sentences detailing specific reasons why, and a clincher which reinforces your theme. PROJECT CENTER: Textbook scavenger hunt LANGUAGE CENTER: Define the words on the list by paraphrasing or using a dictionary: infer, cite, identify, define, contrast, analyze, paraphrase, summarize, objective (noun), objective (adjective). COMPREHENSION CENTER: Read the passage, “” and answer the five comprehension questions that follow.

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