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Pilot actions.

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1 Pilot actions

2 Fit for purpose solutions
JPI Oceans acts to achieve its goals and objectives by (i) defining a societal challenge together with identified stakeholders (ii) analysing the needs and gaps related to the challenge (iii) implementing fit for purpose solutions to address the issue. The term “Joint Programming” is slightly misleading as it does not reflect the whole scope and ambition of JPI Oceans. Actions might include (but are not limited to): Devising common research, innovation, infrastructure and monitoring strategies Sharing of human capacity, data and infrastructures Common programmes and joint calls Development of science-to-policy mechanisms Workshops and conferences Institutional agreements, modelling, etc. 15% 85% Friday, November 16, 2018

3 Pilot Actions Background
Pilot actions were launched in order to move JPI Oceans into its operational phase. “Pilot Actions” – test out (new) modes of cooperation & demonstrate added- value of JPI Oceans. Mainly draw on existing capacities and resources. May pave the way for fully-fledged actions. Pilot actions will be implemented by those MS interested in participating (variable geometry principle). Participation in the pilot action does not necessarily imply a commitment to new funding – contributions can take on other forms. Friday, November 16, 2018

4 Pilot Actions Background
At the 4th Management Board meeting (27 Febr. 2013, Dublin) 10 actions were presented. 3 have been selected according to the following criteria: Basic Requirements & Feasibility Interest from at least 4 countries + committed leader Topic should aim to interest a maximum number of member countries Quick start – tangible outcomes within 1-3 years Relevance & Impact Cross-cutting issues in line with JPI Oceans Vision (includes MSFD needs) Create synergies and avoid duplication Added-Value Test new modes of cooperation Facilitation of future collaboration in JPI Oceans Friday, November 16, 2018


6 1. Ecological aspects of Micro-plastics
Proposed by Germany at the 3rd Management Board meeting. Support from 11 MSs: DE, BE, DK, FR, NL, NO, SE, UK (+ ES, IE, MT) Principal objective: to develop a joint strategy (incl. methodologies) for qualitative and quantitative monitoring of micro-plastics in the oceans. Recent developments after the last PCG meeting & next steps Workshop held in Berlin on 15 July 2013 between scientific experts and funding bodies from interested countries to define: Scope of the action – joint monitoring strategy Mode of cooperation & implementation It was agreed that: Group of scientists (under the lead of Heather Leslie (NL)) will draft a proposal looking at methods, monitoring and effects of micro-plastics by 30 September. Ministries and funding agencies will meet in October 2013 to discuss how to jointly implement the proposal. Friday, November 16, 2018


8 2. Joint data collection & monitoring in the NS
Proposed by The Netherlands at the 3rd Management Board meeting. Support currently from 9 MSs: NL, DK, IRL, NO, SE, UK, DE, FR, BE Principal objective: design of integrated monitoring programmes for data collec-tion for CFP + MSFD to be conducted in the context of fish stock surveys (e.g. IBTS). Recent developments after the last PCG & next steps The proposal has been specified in content: NL + DE worked on details to make it complementary to the project of DG ENV call PP/ENV/SEA 2012 “Pilot Project New knowledge for an integrated management of human activity in the sea” Extended proposal was sent on 22 August 2013 with invitation to workshop Workshop is planned for 9 October 2013 between scientific experts and funding bodies from interested countries to conclude on Scope of the action Mode of cooperation & implementation Friday, November 16, 2018


10 3. Ecological aspects of deep-sea mining
Proposed by Germany at 3rd Management Board meeting. Support from 9 MSs: DE, BE, FR, NL, UK (+ SE, MT, NO, PT) Principal objective: analyse the long-term ecological impacts of deep-sea mining and devise monitoring strategy. Recent developments after the last PCG & next steps Workshop held in Berlin on 16 July between scientific experts and funding bodies from interested countries to define: Scope of the action Mode of cooperation & implementation Germany has offered up to 90 days on RV Sonne in Pacific (DISCOL + CCFZ) It was agreed that: Group of scientists (under the lead of Pedro Martinez (DE)) will draft a proposal for those 90 days (3-legged cruise) by 30 September 2013. Ministries and funding agencies will meet in October 2013 to discuss implementation. Friday, November 16, 2018

11 Email: Twitter: @jpioceans
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