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Superficial Anterior Muscles of the Body

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Presentation on theme: "Superficial Anterior Muscles of the Body"— Presentation transcript:

1 Superficial Anterior Muscles of the Body

2 1 4 2 5 6 3 8 7 14 9 12 13 10 11 15 c 17 18 b 16 a 21 20 19

3 Superficial Anterior Muscles
Frontalis Raises eyebrows Orbicularis oculi Blinks and closes eyes Orbicularis oris Closes and protrudes lips Temporalis Closes jaw Zygomaticus Raises corner of mouth Masseter Sternocleidoastoid Flexes neck; rotates head Platysma Pulls corners of mouth inferiorly

4 Superficial Anterior Muscles
Pectoralis major Adducts and flexes humerus Rectus Abdominis Flexes vertebral column External oblique Flexes and rotates vertebral column Biceps brachii Flexes elbow and supinates forearm Brachialis Flexes elbow Deltoid Abducts arm

5 Superficial Anterior Muscles
Iliopsoas Flexes hip Adductor muscles Adducts thigh Sartorius Flexes thigh on hip Quadriceps group Vastus medialis Extends knee Vastus lateralis Rectus femoris Extends knee; flexes hip

6 Superficial Anterior Muscles
Tibialis anterior Dorsiflexes and inverts foot Extensor digitorum longus Extends toes and dorsiflexes foot Fibularis longus Plantar flexes and everts foot

7 Superficial Posterior Muscles of the Body

8 22 24 25 27 23 26 30 28 29 c a 31 b 32 33

9 Superficial Posterior Muscles
Trapezius Extends neck and adducts scapula Latissimus dorsi Extends and adducts humerus Erector spinae Extends back Deltoid Abducts humerus

10 Superficial Posterior Muscles
Triceps brachii Extends elbow Flexor carpi radialis Flexes wrist and abducts hand Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexes wrist and adducts hand Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexes wrist and fingers Extensor carpi radialis (longus) Extends wrist and abducts hand Extensor digitorum Extends fingers and wrist

11 Superficial Posterior Muscles
Gluteus maximus Extends hip Gluteus medius Abducts thigh; steadies pelvis during walking Hamstring muscles Semitendinosus Flex knee and extend hip Semimembranosus Biceps femoris Gastrocnemius Plantar flexes foot and flexes knee Soleus Plantar flexes foot

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