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11/15/2018 CoAlt Office Hours September 26, 2016.

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1 11/15/2018 CoAlt Office Hours September 26, 2016

2 CoAlt Assessment Administration
Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities take the Colorado Alternate Assessments (CoAlt) Science and Social Studies (Colorado-developed) Elementary, Middle, and High School Assessments Science: grades 5, 8, and 11 Social studies: grades 4 and 7 (high school will not be administered in spring 2017) A sample of schools will administer the social studies assessments English language arts and mathematics (DLM-developed) Grades 3-9, 10-11 Alternate for PARCC ELA and math, PSAT 10 and SAT

3 CoAlt: Science and Social Studies
Paper-based assessment Individually administered Scored locally by the Test Examiner Scores are entered into the PearsonAccessnext portal 3

4 CoAlt: ELA and Math (DLM)
Computer-based assessment Individually administered Test Administrators/DACs use Educator Portal for student management Students test using KITE Client Same window as CMAS (PARCC) ELA and Math If using the 3-week window (paper-based or online), have the same 3 week window for DLM. If using the 6-week extended window for the general online assessments, have the same 6-week window for DLM. 4

5 CoAlt Training and Office Hours
Training Resource Location CoAlt Office Hours September 26 October 17 November 14 December 12 Weekly January - mid-March Biweekly April - May CoAlt Training October 27 - Greeley October 28 - Denver November 2 – Alamosa November 3 – La Junta November 4 – CO Springs November 7 – Grand Junction November 8 – Glenwood Springs November 10 - Limon 5

6 Year at a Glance October/November December Attend Training
Ensure TAs start training Contact CDE for facilitator materials (DLM) December CDE pulls pre-ID file and uploads to EP and PAnext Continue training TAs 6 CoAlt: DLM

7 Year at a Glance January Verify student enrollment
1/9-1/27 SC/SS Initial Orders Enroll new students Begin rostering students to teachers Continue training TAs Determine if you have students who need the CoAlt in Braille 7 CoAlt: DLM

8 Year at a Glance February
Complete district Science and Social Studies training for teachers Ensure TAs have completed all DLM training Continue rostering students to teachers Enroll new students Determine if you have students who need the CoAlt in Braille ELA/Math is delivered as a .brf Downloaded and embossed locally SC/SS must be adapted locally 8 CoAlt: DLM

9 Year at a Glance March April
“Final” verification of student enrollment for DLM Finish rosters April Test window CMAS: April 10th - 28th PSAT 10: April 11th or April 12th SAT: April 11th Return CoAlt Science/Social Studies Materials No materials to return for DLM 9 CoAlt: DLM

10 Year at a Glance May CoAlt SC/SS score entry must be completed by 5/3
Return CoAlt SC &SS materials by 5/5 No ELA/Math materials to return 10 CoAlt: DLM

11 Required Training All TAs must be trained on all parts of the CoAlt every year Moodle site for ELA/Math Accounts rolled over from EP 2 types of training modules Facilitated Self-Directed Must pass with 80% accuracy CDE recommends New teachers to your district take the Required Teacher Training Modules Returning teachers take the Returning Teacher Training Modules

12 Training Links Links to:
Links to: DLM Moodle training site DLM Required Training document Short videos for frequent tasks Instructionally Embedded Assessments Webinar 12 CoAlt: DLM

13 Changes No changes to CoAlt SC & SS Changes in Educator Portal/KITE
11/15/2018 Changes No changes to CoAlt SC & SS Changes in Educator Portal/KITE Re-install KITE Client on all student devices used for testing Changes to data management in EP Instructional Tools Interface Available September 21, 2016

14 Changes Updated training for CoAlt AM session for DACs
11/15/2018 Changes Updated training for CoAlt AM session for DACs The “how to” of using PAnext and EP PM session for DACs or TAs Test administration training for all CoAlt content areas Open to teachers 14 CoAlt: DLM

15 User Management Changes
Training extract through reports tab Automatic registration in Moodle Error messaging Security agreement Training New Educator Portal User Guide

16 Student Management Changes
11/15/2018 Student Management Changes Primary Disability is now required Use “not ESOL student” code “0” for ESOL status Attendance school and district codes will auto populate Search for student by SSAID 16 CoAlt: DLM

17 11/15/2018 Expected EP Updates* New exit code for students who moved to the general assessment Students can only be on one roster per subject area *Updates are expected to be completed by fall 2016 and be in place prior to the opening of the test window. However, there is no definite date at this time. Because of EP updates, the Educator Portal User Guide and the Data Management Manual will also be updated. 17 CoAlt: DLM

18 Quick Non-CoAlt Updates
UARs Accommodations Crosswalk PSAT 10/SAT Enrich IEP system 18 CoAlt: DLM

19 11/15/2018 Questions? 19 CoAlt: DLM

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