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实用口语:外貌描述 so easy.

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Presentation on theme: "实用口语:外貌描述 so easy."— Presentation transcript:

1 实用口语:外貌描述 so easy

2 What does she look like? She is a beautiful lady. She has long hair.

3 Vocabulary & Sentences patterns
A lot of sentences in Chinese VS. only a few sentences in English. Vocabulary & Sentences patterns

4 How to describe someone’s appearance?
General impression Specific details

5 What is general impression?
e.g. age, height, figure/build, facial impression…

6 What are the specific details?
Some detailed description on the most impressive features about the person. e.g. 1. face 2. hair’s color/style 3. eyes 4. nose 5. chin…

7 Age Height General impression Facial impression Figure/Build

8 General impression Age: e.g. young, Zhang Ziyi is in her thirties.
in one’s twenties /thirties, Li Ming is a middle-aged man. middle-aged, old, elderly上了年纪的

9 General impression Height: e.g. short, tall, medium/average height
Yao Ming is a very tall player. Gao Yuanyuan is of medium/average height.

10 General impression Figure/Build: e.g. thin, slim, slender苗条的,
Fan Bingbing is a plump beauty. skinny极瘦的 fat, overweight超重的, Zhong Hanliang is a well-built actor. plump/chubby丰满的, stout结实的, well-built体型匀称的,体格健美的, muscular肌肉发达的

11 General impression Facial impression: e.g. handsome, good-looking,
She is a plain-looking girl. pretty, beautiful, He has an ugly face. gorgeous漂亮的, plain-looking相貌平平, ugly难看的, 丑的

12 Specific details (impressive features)
Face: e.g. round 圆的, thin 瘦的, Yao Ming has a square face. long 长的, square 方的, Li Xiang has a round face. oval椭圆的, heart-shaped心形的, sharp尖的

13 Specific details (impressive features)
Hair: Color--- Style--- medium length, short, jet-black 乌黑的, long, straight, curly, fair 金色的, blonde 淡黄色的, wavy, ponytail马尾辫, golden 金黄色的, dyed 染色的, brunette 浅黑色的, crew cut平头, bald秃顶的, grey灰白的 chestnut 栗色的, fringe刘海

14 Specific details (impressive features)
e.g. She has long straight hair. He is tall, with a black crew cut. She wears her hair in a ponytail. Lily has medium length curly blonde hair. Mary’s fringe was cut short, but the rest of her hair was long.

15 Specific details (impressive features)
Eyes: e.g. big, large, small, She has big blue eyes. bright, Kate is tall and slim, with dark, liquid eyes. double eyelid, single eyelid, Betty is attractive with large, expressive eyes. expressive富有表情的, liquid水汪汪的

16 Specific details (impressive features)
Nose: e.g. long, big, small, Andy Liu has a hooked nose. flat 扁平的, Jack is a good-looking man with a high-bridged nose. straight 挺直的, hooked 钩状的, high-bridged高鼻梁的

17 Specific details (impressive features)
Chin: double chin双下巴, pointed/sharp chin尖下巴 Other impressive features: lip嘴唇, eyelash 睫毛, eyebrow 眉毛, mole痣, birthmark胎记, scar疤痕, pimple粉刺, freckle雀斑, dimple酒窝, wrinkle皱纹, high cheek bones高高的颧骨

18 Specific details (impressive features)
e.g. He has a round face with a double chin. Inside the door stood a girl. She had white skin, a pretty face, black eyes, long eyelash, and was looking in surprise. 一个亭亭玉立的少女出现在门里边,洁白的皮肤,俊秀的脸庞,黑亮的眼睛,长长的睫毛,正吃惊的看着她。

19 注意:句型后面均可以加with+补充信息,此内容视情况可有可无
常用的 Sentence patterns He/She is+adj(形容词)/ n (名词) He/She has+n (名词) 注意:句型后面均可以加with+补充信息,此内容视情况可有可无 e.g. He is a tall and thin guy with thick eyebrows, looking very handsome. She has a oval face with freckles on her cheeks.

20 Practice: Please describe the person in the picture.
General impression: She is a gorgeous woman, tall and plump. Specific details: Big black expressive eyes Sexy lips Long black wavy hair

21 Review 注意:记忆+反复练习 General impression e.g.
facial impression… age, height, figure/build, Specific details (impressive features) e.g. 1. face 2. hair’s color/style 3. eyes 4. nose 5. chin… 注意:记忆+反复练习

22 Homework Please describe an impressive person you have ever met by using the vocabulary and sentence patterns we’ve learnt in today’s lesson.

23 Thank you!

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