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What is light?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is light?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is light?

2 Wave-particle duality
Light acts as both a wave and a particle Light travels as a wave and transfers energy from one location to another Particles of light are called photons. They have no mass and they carry specific amounts of energy. Video Link

3 Light waves The speed of light is a constant in different mediums
Speed of light in a vacuum 𝑐=3.0× 𝑚/𝑠 So our familiar wave speed equation becomes… 𝒄=𝒇𝝀 Higher frequency means shorter wavelength and vice versa Also, higher frequency waves means higher energy photons

4 Light waves Light waves are also called electromagnetic waves
Light travels as two perpendicular waves, one electric and one magnetic, with the same wavelength

5 Electromagnetic spectrum
Electromagnetic waves occur in a wide range of wavelengths (or frequencies) called a spectrum. Only a very small portion of this spectrum is visible to humans. Video Link


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